Day 25: Sleepover sex (Scömichè)

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"Kirstieee, where are the drinksss?" Mitch whined. "Mama needs some Chardonnay!"

"Wait a sec, Mitch. Scott and I are still trying to make the pillow fort." Kirstie sighed.

"What are we, five?" Avi asked from across the room.

"Yeah, probably." Mitch responded.

When Scott finished with Kirstie, Mitch came over and sat in his lap, kissing him gently.

"Alright, you two. Let's lay down some ground rules." Kevin spoke with authority and standing up.

"Ugh, it's always the rules with you." Mitch groaned.

"Baby, just listen. For me?" Scott asked. 

"Okay, I guess."

"First things first, no funny business when the rest of us are awake. We don't need another incident like we had on the tour bus."

"How were we supposed to know Avi was still awake? He so quiet that night." Mitch said.

"I'm still really sorry for mentally scarring you, Avi." Scott apologized.

"It's chill. I mean, I had to get a therapist, but other than that, I'm fine." Avi shrugged. Mitch laughed loudly.

"Anyway, second rule. If you two engage in funny business, and we're awake, please do it outside of the pillow fort. I suggest the bathroom or Kirstie's room." Kevin giggled.

"Hey! I didn't approve of that!" Kirstie yelled.

"Whatever. Final rule is, for the love of God, please don't get cum on anything. The stuff stains really bad."

"Well, obviously. Do you know how many bedsheets when can never use again? Scott hates when they stain, especially if the sex was really good. There was one time-"

"Nope, Nope, No I don't want to hear this. I don't want to get a therapist like Avi, Mitch!" Kevin yelled. Kirstie bursted into laughter, almost spitting out the wine that was in her mouth.

"Let's just what the movie, shall we?" Scott suggested.

*during the movie*

"Scotty, are they asleep yet?" Mitch whispered. Scott looked over at the other three, who were fast asleep.

"Yeah," Scott smirked, "Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"You know it." Mitch smiled before straddling Scott and kissing him.

Scott grabbed Mitch's ass, making me Mitch moan into the kiss. Scott shushed him and went back to making out with Mitch. Mitch tugged at Scott's pyjama pants.

"The pants, lose 'em." Mitch whispered. Scott did as he was told, pulling his pants down to ankles. Mitch grabbed Scott's dick, Scott gasped at the sudden contact. Mitch got off off Scott's lap and on his hands and knees.

Mitch grabbed Scott's dick again, licking the tip of it before taking all of Scott in his mouth. Scott bit his lip to keep from moaning too loud. Mitch bobbed his head faster, Scott's hand finding its way into Mitch's hair.

"Scott, I'm ready for your dick in my ass." Mitch groaned when he pulled off, immediately getting rid of his own pants. Scott smirked and pulled Mitch up to kiss him.

"Hands and knees, then." Scott demanded. Mitch did as he was told, poking butt out when he did. 

Scott got on his knees and grabbed Mitch's ass. He spit in his hand and slathered his dick with it. He positioned himself before pushing into Mitch. Mitch moaned, biting one of the pillows to quiet himself down. Scott wasted no time, thrusting into Mitch hard and fast.

"Shit, Scotty.." Mitch moaned.

"Fuck yeah, Mitch. You're so tight!" Scott groaned.

Somehow, Scott's thrusts got faster than they were before. Mitch was moaning so loudly that the pillow wasn't even helping at this point.

"Scott, I'm close.." Mitch whimpered.

"Me too. I want you to come after me, though." Scott grunted.

Scott came after a few more thrusts, Mitch followed soon after with a moan of Scott's name. Mitch, thankfully, came on the hardwood floor so it'd be easy to clean up. Scott pulled and laid down, Mitch laying next him sighing.

"I want you both to know, all three of us heard you." Kirstie mumbled.

"Shit, y'all were awake?" Scott gasped.

"Yeah. I'm gonna need to see my therapist again." Avi sighed.

"Avi, what's that therapist's number," Kevin asked,"cause I'm gonna need her too."

"Omg, let's have a group therapy session." Kirstie squealed.

"Whatever, guys. Goodnight, I'm exhausted." Scott yawned.

"Night Scooter!" Kirstie laughed.

"Night, bitches!" Mitch yelled.

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now