Day 13: Drunk sex (Tronnor)

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Somehow, Troye dragged Connor to this party. And Connor wanted nothing but to be home.

Connor wasn't big on parties or crowded public situations in general. He kind of just walked around, occasionally making small talk with Tyler or Joey. He  eventually gave up and sat down with his red solo cup filled water. He scrolled through his phone before he realised someone was looking over his shoulder. Connor jolted back just to see Mamrie smiling at him.

"Hey, Mamrie, how's it going?" Connor mumbled.

"Oh, I'm going great, but, by the looks of you, you're not so great. What's got you so down in the dumps?" Mamrie asked, mildly tipsy.

"Nothing, I just don't like parties that much. I've also lost Troye, Lord knows where he could be." Connor rolled his eyes.

"Well, I think you need something to drink that's not water." Mamrie said.

"What? This isn't water, it'"

"'s water." Mamrie said sassily, "Come with me, I'll make you something that's your speed."

Connor quietly mumbled "what do I got to lose?" before getting up to follow Mamrie to the kitchen. When they got there, Mamrie pulled out random alcohols and put them all into a shaker. Connor was kind of scared at first, but then he remembered that Mamrie used to be a bartender. She knew what she was doing, so Connor stood back and let her do her thing.

"Here, Con. Don't worry, it's just a cocktail and it's not that strong. Now go have some fun!" Mamrie exclaimed before walking out into the party. Connor to a sip from the drink, and, strangely, he liked it. A lot.

Before he knew it, he was completely wasted of the weak drink. Connor knew he was a lightweight, but not this much of a lightweight. Connor stumbled around the house, dancing and singing with people he didn't even know.  He collapsed on the couch because he was so tired from dancing. Then a guy sat next to him.

"H-hey man, how you doing?" Connor hiccuped.

"C-con, it's me T-Troye. Are y-you as fucked up as me r-right now?" Troye asked, giggling. Connor nodded and smirked. "I'm h-horny, wanna go have a quickie real...quick." Connor bursted out into laughter and Troye's poor adjective choice before nodding. Troye walked upstairs, hand in hand with Connor, and entered a random bedroom. The two drunken boys made out sloppily are this random guy's bed.

"I thought this was a q-quickie, let's get t-to it, shall we?" Connor mumbled, his hiccups still very present in his speech. Connor took the initiative and pulled down his skinny jeans. Troye did the same as he spit on his hand and lazily stroked his dick. Connor bent over the bed and poked his ass in the air. "Come and get it, big boy."

"Can do, Con Con," Troye pushed into Connor fast and hard, not worrying about people hearing them since the music was so damn loud. Connor moaned and gripped the sheets. Troye thrusted quicker, making the bed creak with every thrust. If was even possible, Troye's thrusts became sloppier, signalling that he was close to his climax. Connor was too, gripping the sheets even harder.

Connor came before Troye, with a loud moan of Troye's name. Troye came soon after, pulling out and using the corner of the blanket to clean He and Connor up. 

"Houston, we have a problem." Connor giggled, "There's cum all over this guy's sheet."

"Whatever, they can deal with it," Troye shrugged. "Now, let's get back to the party, I can feel the drunk wearing off."


Yay we're caught up now

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