Day 21: school sex (Johnnyboy)

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Johnny walked into his school quietly, looking for Ponyboy as soon as possible. Pony usually got to school before Johnny did, so the fact that Johnny hadn't seen him yet was nerve racking.

Johnny gave up after a few minutes of looking, walking to his locker in defeat. When he got there, his arm was tugged by a random force. He turned around to see who it was.

"Pony? What're you-" Johnny was cut by Pony pulling him in for a kiss.

"No time for questions, just come with me." Pony said when they pulled apart. Pony practically dragged Johnny into the bathroom.

"Pony, what's going on?" Johnny asked, genuinely confused.

"Babe, look at my pants." Pony said almost sarcastically. Johnny looked down to see a tent in Pony's pants. 

"Oh..." Johnny sighed, "I see where this is going but aren't we going to get caught?"

"No one comes in the bathrooms in the morning. We just have to be fast so we don't miss first period." Pony said hurriedly, pulling Johnny and himself in the biggest stall. Johnny dropped his bookbag before they reached the stall.

"So, do you want me to suck you off?" Johnny asked, undoing his belt.

"Nah, let's have a quick fuck." Pony said, undoing his own jeans. Johnny pouted. "I know, you hate those. But I promise, after school, we'll make love at my place since Darry's working late and Soda and Steve are going out."

Johnny smiled and kissed Pony passionately. Pony pulled his pants and boxers down to his ankles, revealing his fully hard dick, and he sat on the toilet seat lid. He jacked himself as Johnny pulled his jeans down.

"Wait, Pony, we don't have any lube." Johnny panicked.

"We'll have get by with saliva." Pony sighed. He spit in his hand and put some on his dick and Johnny's entrance.

Johnny positioned himself over Pony's dick, his back facing Pony, and he sank down on Pony. He winced a little from the lack of actual lubrication, but he adjusted to it fairly quickly. He came back up and slammed down, moaning loudly and covering his mouth after.

"Johnny, this is one of the only times I'm gonna let you shield your moans." Pony said breathlessly, leaving kisses on Johnny's neck instead of lovebites.

Eventually, Johnny's poor legs got tired so Pony took it upon himself to hold Johnny's hips and thrust up into him. Pony let out a quiet grunt.

"Hey," someone called from outside the bathroom, "everything alright in there?"

Johnny looked at Pony in panic. Pony cleared his throat.

"Yeah, I'm alright." Pony replied.

"Okay man. By the way, Pony, it's Two-Bit. I know Johnny's in there with you and I know what you're doing. Just be a little quieter." Two-Bit laughed. Johnny's face went completely red.

"Okay, Two-Bit. Could ya leave now so we can get back to what we were doing?" Pony asked desperately.

"My pleasure. See ya later, love birds!"

Pony rolled his eyes and thrusted into Johnny without notice.

"Fuck, Pony.." Johnny whimpered, "I'm close."

"Me too, sweets." Pony grunted.

Pony thrusted harder and faster into Johnny, the two moaning as quietly as possible. Johnny came first, with a moan of Pony's name. Pony came soon after with grunt.

Johnny pulled off of Pony's lap and cleaned himself up with toilet paper before putting his jeans back on. He kissed Pony and walked out the stall.

"See you in second period, hun. Love you!" Johnny shouted before grabbing his bookbag and walking to class.

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now