Day 16: overstimulation (Scömichè)

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"Mitchie! Where are you baby?" Scott had been looking for his significant other for a few minutes now, having no luck.

Scott walked around the apartment, completely lost, until he walked past the bathroom. He heard something; it sounded like moaning.

"Mitchie?" Scott knocked on the door, no response. Scott knocked a little harder. "Mitch?"

All of a sudden, there was a lot of shuffling from inside the bathroom. Mitch then opened the door, his hair disheveled and his face slightly red.

"Hi, Scotty. What's up?" Mitch asked, out of breath for some reason.

"Nothing. Is everything okay?" Scott asked in confusion.

"Yeah, everything's fine. Why are you asking?" Mitch replied quickly.

"Okay...can I go in the bathroom? I think I left my socks in here." Scott asked. He was about to walk in before Mitch pushed him away.

"Trust me, they aren't in there." Mitch said, hurriedly.

"Mitchie, it's starting to sound like you're hiding something." Scott raised an eyebrow, "you're not...cheating on me, are you?"

"No, of course not!" Mitch exclaimed. "I was just...doing something. Something that I don't know if you'd like."

"You were masturbating, weren't you?" Scott giggled. Mitch blushed intensely. "Ha, I knew it! If you wanted to get off, you could've just told me. We don't have to go anywhere right now. Let's have some fun, shall we?"

Mitch smirked and kissed Scott. Scott picked Mitch up and carried him to their bedroom. When they made it, Scott put Mitch on the bed and started undressing the both of them. Scott left lovebites down Mitch's chest, Mitch whimpering in delight.

"Mmm, Scotty. Want you to fuck me so hard." Mitch moaned as Scott started to stroke his already hard dick.

"Okay, baby." Scott stood up and tugged off his boxers. He grabbed lube from the bedside drawer and put some on his dick. He lined himself up with Mitch's hole and plunged into him with notice.

"Fuck, Scott!" Mitch shouted. Scott just smirked and thrusted harder.

Mitch came within the first few thrusts since he was already close from masturbating earlier.

"Don't worry, you're gonna cum two more times before I'm finished with you." Scott grunted and thrusted faster, making Mitch moan louder. 

"Scott, you're so fucking deep." Mitch groaned. Scott thrusted harder, grunting with every thrust. "I'm close, Scotty."

"Go ahead, cum for me, baby." Scott groaned. Mitch came again, not as hard as the first time, "One more time, for me. And then I'll fill you up."

"Okay, Scotty." Mitch whimpered. Mitch felt so out of it but he wanted Scott so bad. Scott's thrusts got sloppier, so Mitch could tell he was close.

"Mitch, I'm close." Scott groaned. Mitch nodded, moaning afterwards. "Cum before me."

Mitch did as he was told, cumming in short spurts. Scott came after him, moaning Mitch's name.  Scott pulled out slowly, letting Mitch go limp on the bed. Scott knew Mitch was subspace and Scott needed to get him out of it.

"Mitchie, I love you..." Scott whispered sweet nothings until Mitch was fully aware of his surroundings. "How are you feeling baby?"

"Sleepy." Mitch yawned.

"Go to sleep, honey. I love you."

"I love you too."


This is only a week late lol whateva

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now