Day 28: Mystery ;) (Phan)

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Dan woke up in a unfamiliar room. The room was pitch black and silent, leaving Dan unsure if he was blindfolded or not. The room was also painfully cold, making Dan shiver. His hands where tied to the metal chair he was sitting in.

"Hello?" Dan called quietly. Assuming that no one heard him, he called out again, louder this time. "Hello?"

"I see you've woken up." A voice from the corner whispered. Almost instantaneously, a dim light appeared, almost like a candle. "I've been waiting for you to awake. Do you know where you are?"

"I don't know. Who are you? You sound familiar." Dan questioned, the light moving closer to him.

"I am familiar. And this place is familiar, too. You just have to think about it, Dan." The voice coming closer to him.

"How do you know my name?" Dan panicked.

"Remember, I'm familiar to you. You know me."

Dan closed his eyes, thinking very deeply about his whereabouts. He knew the metal chair he was sitting in, so he assumed he was in his basement. And the voice was deep and husky, almost raspy, but it still had a happy aura. Almost immediately, it hit him.

"Phil!" Dan yelled, opening his eyes. Phil was now standing directly in front of him. "What are you doing in our basement? What's going on?"

"Good job, you figured it out." Phil lifted Dan's chin up and lightly kissed him. "I want to try something new with you. I like the mystery."

"I mean, it was terrifying when I didn't know it was you, but now that I know, it's kind of hot." Dan bit his lip. Phil kissed him again. "Your voice is really husky right now. It's sexy."

"All for you, baby." Phil whispered. "I wanna try another thing."

"And what's that?" Dan whispered.

"I wanna ride you."

"Oh, I like the sound of that." Dan bit his lip again before straining his wrists against the rope. "Could you untie me, though?"

"Oh yeah, hold on a second." Phil walked around the chair, untying his boyfriend.

When Dan's arms are free, he rubbed his wrists that were now bruised. Dan grabbed Phil by his shirt collar and kissed him deeply. Phil moaned  into the kiss, unbuttoning Dan's jeans. Phil got on his knees and pulled Dan's jeans down to his ankles. Phil grabbed Dan's dick and jacked him off, Dan moaning in pleasure. Phil took a small lick at Dan's tip, making Dan shudder. Phil took Dan's dick into his mouth, taking as much of it as possible.

"Shit, Phil.." Dan groaned. Phil started bobbing his head as Dan's head made its way into Phil's hair. "I'm gonna cum, Phil."

"Nope, not yet." Phil's mumbled when he pulled off, his voice fucked out and raspy. Phil stood up and kicked his pants off.

"Before we start, can you turn a light on? I wanna see you." Dan asked, kissing Phil's neck.

Dan lazily stroked himself as Phil walked over to turn on a dim light, but bright enough to see around the room. Phil walked over seductively, grabbing lube off of one of the tables. Phil kissed Dan before putting lube on Dan's dick and and his hole. Phil straddled Dan and positioned himself over Dan's dick. He sunk down on Dan's dick, moaning in pleasure. Having stretched before, Phil wasn't worried about it hurting. 

"Shit Dan.." Phil moaned loudly. Dan threw his head back in bliss, groaning.

Phil sunk down all the way, rolling his hips slightly. He rose back up only to slam back down again. Phil moaned loudly, finding a rhythm quickly.

"Fucking hell, Phil." Dan grunted. Dan started thrusting his hips in time with Phil. Dan kissed Phil, moaning in the middle of it. Phil wrapped his arms around Dan's neck, feeling that familiar warm heat in the pit of his stomach.

"Dan, I'm so fucking close.." Phil gasped.

"Go ahead, cum for me.." Dan groaned. Almost instantly, Phil came in short spurts with a moan of Dan's name. Dan came after Phil, grunting loudly. Dan kissed Phil passionately and breathlessly.

"Fuck Dan, that was good." Phil whispered.

"Yeah it was," Dan replied, smiling, "maybe you should be a creepy guy who tied me to a chair and stands in corners with candles more often."

"Maybe I should."


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