Day 4: handcuffed sex (Scömichè)

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"Let's watch stranger things!" Mitch yelled, bouncing on the couch excitedly. Scott rolled his eyes.

"We've watched both seasons three times." Scott laughed. Mitch grabbed the remote and put on Stranger Things anyway. "Mitch! Let's watch something else."


"Do I have to punish you?" Scott smirked. Mitch bit his lip.

"You might have too, Scotty." Mitch whispers seductively.

"Upstairs, now." Scott demanded. Mitch did as he was told, stripping as he walked. Scott walked right behind him, gawking at his slim body. 

As soon as the made it up the stairs and into the bedroom, Scott pushed  Mitch on the bed. Scott went to the closet and grabbed some handcuffs.

"I'm gonna be light on you tonight, you know it could be so much worse." Scott growled.

"Okay, daddy." Mitch whispered seductively. Scott grew harder at the last word.

Scott made out with Mitch for a while before handcuffing Mitch's arms to the headboard and his legs to the foot of the bed. Scott left hickies all over Mitch's neck and chest, taking a few licks at his dick. Mitch shuddered and Scott smirked.

"How do you want it? Hard or gentle?"

"However you want, daddy."

Scott smirked and grabbed the lube from under the bed. He put lube on his dick and Mitch's hole. He didn't feel the need for stretching; he wanted to get straight to the business.

He lined himself up with Mitch's hole and and pushed in slowly, both moaning loudly. Mitch's wrists strained against the cuffs. Scott started moving, groaning lowly. Scott started going harder, the bed creaking with every thrust.

"Fuck Scott, I'm close." Mitch whimpered.

"Go ahead, babe," Scott growled, "cum for me."

Mitch came hard, and so did Scott right after. Afterwards, Scott unlocked the cuffs and laid down next to Mitch.


"Yeah, baby?"

"Still up for Stranger Things?"


Another rushed fanfic get over it

Fanfic February 2018Where stories live. Discover now