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( you and your sister replace Amy and samey ( Sammy) in this story so you are the nice one and she is secretly the jerky one who bosses you around and acts innocent and you get blamed for anything she does) 

you let out a sigh of relief as you walked into the tree house. you lay down in the bed and sighed. suddenly your sister S/N came in and pushed you out of the bed. " move it you piece of trash! this is my bed!" she said. she has done this multiple times every time you got into a bed she said it was hers and pushes you out of it. you let out a sigh and got up brushing yourself off. you decided to take a relaxing walk. you started to walk through the woods and took out your MP3 player. you plugged your earbuds into it and put them in your ears listening to lady gaga paparazzi you started to sing softly to the music. "We are the crowd, we're c-coming out Got my flash on, it's true Need that picture of you, it's so magical We'd be so fantastical Leather and jeans, garage glamorous Not sure what it means, but this photo of us It don't have a price, ready for those flashing lights Cause you know that, baby, I  I'm your biggest fan I'll follow you until you love me Papa-paparazzi Baby there's no other superstar You know that I'll be Your papa-paparazzi Promise I'll be kind But I won't stop until that boy is mine Baby you'll be famous Chase you down until you love me Papa-paparazzi " you sang. you heard something behind you. " w-who is there?" you asked alert and ready to attack whatever was behind you. " calm down it's just me " you heard jasmine say. you turned around and looked up. considering that jasmine was a lot taller than you. " h-hey jasmine" you said with a small smile. " taking a midnight walk like normally?" Jasmine asked. you took walks a lot. " y-yeah." you said. " S/N bothering you again?" she asked. you nodded softly " you shouldn't let her bother you," she said. " you need to take charge, " she said. " I'm not as good as her.. everyone loves her.. and I'm just left in the shadows. I'm just backstage preparing everything and she gets the credit for my work, " you said. " Y/N your none of those things. you need to stand up for yourself " how CAN I? she has ruled my life as long as I've been alive! everyone thinks she is the sweet nice one but I've been the one doing all this for the team just trying not to get eliminated. sooner or later I am going to get eliminated from S/N telling everyone that I made us lose the challenge! my own parents love her more than me! " you yelled nearly crying. " Y/N your not going to get eliminated tonight. and if you do I will come find you after I win this. I will come find you. I know you don't have many friends with how S/N makes you look to everyone. " Jasmine said in her accent. " thank you jasmine your such a nice friend.." you said softly. " il see you at the elimination ceremony.

( later at the elimination ceremony)

"I hold 5 marshmallows on this plate.  max. scarlet. jasmine. and Topher. you're safe." Chris said tossing marshmallows to everyone except you and S/N. there was one marshmallow left. " Y/N. you are on the chopping block for making your team lose the challenge. S/N you are on the chopping block for being bossy to Y/N and everyone else." Chris said. " the last marshmallow goes to..." Chris said taking a dramatic pause. " Y/N," Chris said throwing a marshmallow to you. your eyes lit up with happiness " oh my god yes! thank you, everyone, so much for not voting me off" you said happily running over to Jasmine and hugging her. she hugged back. you looked at S/N. she had a look of shock stuck on her face. " NOOOOO! NO NO NO HOW COULD THIS HAPPEN! she should have been eliminated not me! she is just a wannabe me!" S/N yelled. " talk about an attention hog," Chris said laughing. chef grabbed S/N and put her in the cannon. " YOU WILL ALL REGRET THIS AND Y/N YOU ARE NEVER GOING TO HAVE A MOMENT OF PEACE IN YOUR LIFE WHEN YOU GET HOME" S/N screamed. " okay I'm tired of hearing her yelling at everyone, " you said firing the cannon. she screamed as she was fired out of the cannon 

( later back at the tree house) " thank you everyone im so happy you guys didnt vote me off" you said. " well jasmine told us that S/N was doing things to make you seem like a bad person to get you voted off it must be hard for that to happen at home to." scarlet said. " yeah" topher said. " i will try my best to win the million and I am going to split the money with jasmine" you said with a smile. " wait really?" jasmine said. " mhm! you have been here for me since day one! I'm more than willing to split the money with you!" you said with a happy voice. " thank you so much, mate!" she said hugging you. you smiled and hugged her back.

( at the finals) " Y/N you have won a million dollars!" Chris yelled. your eyes widened as your head burst out of the snow from the avalanche. " I WHAT?" you said in shock. " you won the million!" Chris said handing you the money after you stood up. "Y/N you did it!" jasmine yelled happily hugging you. " I couldn't have done it without you jasmine! you helped me get this far-" she suddenly kissed you. you melted happily knowing she liked you back. then. after the show, you both split the money and she was able to open her flower shop and cage-fighting school and she even let you move in with her so you wouldn't have to face your sister. 

                       ( sorry for the rushed ending it's 11:57 am and its already light out so tired ;-;)

( also i know that whoever gets the least votes gets the first marshmallow but I wanted it to be nervewracking sorta -w- )

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