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he was sweet. adorable. and hilarious! harold is all of those things! you hated when Duncan was a jerk to Harold. right now? was one of those times. " just leave me alone gosh!" Harold said turning away from Duncan. duncan was about to try to say something smart when you grabbed the front of his shirt " you leave him alone. or I will break this bottle over your head!" you growled threateningly grabbing a glass bottle from the table. " haha with your strength I don't think you can do that sweetheart" Duncan said teasingly. you took the bottle and broke it over the edge of the table. the bottle with the opening was now sharp and dangerous. " with my strength I can drill you into the ground with one hand" you said. duncan glared " whatever. I'm leaving. losers." he said with a scoff. " AT LEAST LOSERS HAVE MORE BRAIN CELS THEN  YOU" you yelled. " Y/N that was so awesome!" Harold said. " Nah it was nothing. " you said. "if Duncan bothers you again in any way just call me. it might get through his thick skull not to mess with you. " you said with a glare in Duncan's direction as he carved a skull into a tree. " I'm not sure. you know how Duncan is" Harold said, "annoying," you said. " exactly," Harold said.

                                           it's late again so i had to try and end it a little early XD

                                        it seems that my first chapters are always the longest lol

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