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( requested by JazmineToadsAdventure )

( idk if I spelled your name right  by the way she actually helped me with the plot of this :3 so thanks Jazmine ) 

your name is Y/N L/N are you are famous. after a while of all the cameras and things you just wanted to be normal again. you went onto total drama to try to get away from all the cheering fans and cameras. even if it was a TV show it was the best you could do to get away from the thousands of camera's and fans cheering every day.  but you didn't tell anyone about the fact you were already famous. the plane crash landed in Jamaica. you hung out with noah alot and were good friends but you still hadint told him about you being famous. you looked over and saw Sierra looking on her phone. " Y/N! you never told me you were already famous! " Sierra said looking at you. your eyes widened. " what?" a few of the others asked. " Y/N was already famous! she is ( stage name )!  she moved away she lost touch with her best friend because they moved on and couldn't contact her other friend because they moved to another country so she lost all her ways to contact them and she was the most hated student in Jr high. " Sierra said blabbing about your past. you saw Noah looking shocked. " SIERRA SHUT YOUR MOUTH! " you shouted at her. you ran off. Naoh shook his head at sierra shaming her.  you just wanted to be normal. now everyone is going to treat you like everyone else did. with camera's in your face and people yelling. you ran off to the waterfalls you sat on the edge and watched the water. you saw Alejandro sit next to you. " are you alright?" Alejandro said trying to comfort you. you could see through him. he put his arm around you. you pulled away from him by skooting over.  " you don't need to be afraid " Alejandro said. you growled. you glared at him. " you are nothing but a fake idiot who's passion is to destroy woman's hearts! I am not falling for it Alejandro!" you yelled. you pushed him into the lake under the waterfall. a splash was heard and you saw Alejandro get on to shore and walk away cursing in Spanish. you sighed. you started to softly sing as tears slide down your cheeks.  " I don't want to be famous, I just want to be normal. sure I loved the lights the cameras and the cheering crowds. but I just want to be normal. I just want to have friends. I don't want to be fake. this was all a mistake. I just want to be normal. I don't want to look fake. it all was a mistake. all I want is a normal life. to be able to love myself again.. " you sang. you saw someone sit next to you. " Alejandro just go away  " you said. " is this a bad time?" you heard Noah say. you looked over and saw Noah. " s-sorry Noah.. " you said softly. noah looked at you sadly. " Y/N I'm sorry about what Sierra said. I know you have your reasons for keeping it a secret. I just hope you know it doesn't change the way I look at you. to me.. your still the Y/N I knew. " Noah said. you blushed softly. noah reached up and gently wiped your tears away. your eyes met his beautiful dark chocolate brown eyes. " you have a beautiful voice by the way " Noah said with a genuine smile. " thanks Noah " you said softly. you blushed darkly as Noah pulled you close. you started to cry into his shirt. clinging to him like he was your only life line. " do you want to talk about it?" Noah asked softly as you stopped sobbing and you were sniffling. you started to tell him shakily about how your lover for 4 years broke your heart. and about how everyone would tell you to try to get him back. you never did. he had cheated on you and broke your heart in the worst way possible. " and that's why I came on the show. to get away from everyone telling me to take him back. and I knew if I did he would do it all over again. " you said. noah gently stroked your H/C hair softly comforting you. " if I were in his place I would hold you an never let go. " Noah said as he pulled you into his chest. " I would tell you I would never hurt you. " Noah said. " and kiss you like there is no tomorrow " Noah said as his hands gently grasped your cheeks and pulled you into a soft sweet kiss. your tears spilled over as you kissed him back.  your arms wrapping around his body. you smiled softly into the kiss. noah gently pulled away after a few minutes. " I love you Y/N L/N " he said. you looked at him trying to find any evidence that would show if he was lying. there wasn't the lightest thing that could tell you if he was lying. he spoke the truth. " I love you to Noah " you cried hugging him close as you kissed Noah again. " I will never let you go " Noah said softly. he pulled you closer your body flush with his. you gently layed your head on his chest and fell asleep. you were finally happy again. 

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