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your name was Y/N. you were dating Cody. he was so adorable! duncan would flirt with you at times. cody couldn't do anything about it. one day Duncan was flirting with you like usual. " hey there babe~ why don't we go behind the cabin so I can show you what its like to kiss a real man~" Duncan said with a smirk. cody growled and sucker punched Duncan in the jaw. " back off Duncan" Cody growled. duncan had been knocked out! your eyes widened in shock for Cody actually doing something about him! " Cody that was AWESOME!" you said hugging your boyfriend and picking him up. " it's nothing! I just got tired of him flirting with you all the time" Cody said blushing. you kissed Cody's cheek and smiled at him. " let's go before Duncan wakes up and comes looking for you and me" you said pointing down at Duncan laying on the ground unconscious. you walked away with Cody in your arms quickly to avoid Duncan getting up and finding you both.

                 I'm sorry its so short I am in a rush XD

                 im always open for requests thank you for reading 

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