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( requested by anonymousaxolotll ( IM SORRY IF I SPELLED YOUR NAME WRONG ;v; )

you drew a lot. you had your own personal sketchbook. you were sitting in the cabin with your team. you could see Noah sitting against the wall reading a book. you would glance at him every now and then and work on a sketch of him. you were almost done when duncan saw your sketchbook. " your drawing Noah? really? I didn't know that your crush on him was THAT huge. " Duncan said out loud. noah's head pulled up from his book. your face went red. you sprinted out of the cabin and sat on the dock of shame. 

( with Duncan and Noah ) 

" whats with her? " Duncan said. " and did you say.. that she has a crush on me?.. " Noah said blushing. " oh yeah BIG TIME take a look in her sketchbook. " Duncan said as he picked up the sketchbook and saw a few drawings of Noah. all had small hearts drawn next to him. duncan tossed the sketchbook over to Noah.  " I-I shouldn't go looking in her personal belongings Duncan. when Heather tried to take Y/N's sketchbook Y/N released heralds ant farm into her bed."  ( if you tell me what episode this little reference was in you get a shout out owo ) noah said. " oh don't be a wimp. plus Y/N probably won't do anything to you " Duncan said with a scoff. noah hesitantly looked in the sketchbook. there were drawings of him. he looked at the one you were working on. it looked amazing. so well detailed everything was completely accurate. there were hearts drawn in random places. a small sentence was written. ' one day i will tell him. i just don't know how. ' and another that said ' i love him but I have never talked to him before. ' " i need to find Y/N " Noah said. noah sat his book on his bed and got up to go find you.

( back to you ) 

" Duncan is such a dick! " you said. you had your knees to your chest and your head laying on your knees. your hair covering your face. you heard someone sit next to you. you turned your head slightly and saw Noah looking at you with concern. " Y/N are you okay? you seem upset.. " Noah said. " no I'm not.. " you mumbled. noah held your sketchbook. " why didn't you tell me? " Noah said. "I thought you'd think I'm weird.. I barely ever talk to you and I STILL fell for you hard. you probably think I'm a freak. I even DREW you for Christ's sake. " you said. "you're not weird. your not a freak. I actually think its.. cute " Noah said with a shy blush. you looked at him with shock. cute?.. " I really like how detailed your drawings are. and your proportions are just right. id like it if we could talk more. I've sorta.. gotten a crush on you also. I just thought you wouldn't go for a quiet guy who kept to himself. I thought you would go for more enthusiastic guys. " Noah said. " are you serious? " you asked doubting that this was a real. you hoped to GOD it wasn't a dream. " y-yeah. s-so would you like to try dating? we could go slow. keep things simple. see how we like each other " Noah said with a blush as he smiled a sweet smile. you launched yourself on him and kissed him " HM?! " Noah gasped as you pounced on him and connected your lips. he kissed back after a second. after about a minute you drew back for air. " I love you Noah, " you said blushing. " I love you to Y/N "  Noah said with a smile. you were happy. with Noah. 

( shout out to confusedtrashcan for telling me what episode the reference was from! :3 

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