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( for once this is not a request X3 this is in all stars so keep dat in mind :3 )

your name is Y/N L/N and you were in season 1 and 3 of total drama. you were sitting in your room at your house. ( you still lived with your mom ) you were reading a book when your iphone rang. you grabbed it and put your book down. you answered. " h-hello? " you asked. " hey Y/N its chris! we are doing an all stars season. some over to the studio and sign the contracts if u want in this season " chris said. you smiled " really? awesome! of course i will! " you said. " great! see ya soon " chris said. you smiled and got changed into some black corset leggings with pointed boots with a red shirt and a black jacket and red earrings. you walked out of your room " hey mom chris just called and asked me to be on total drama all stars! im off to go sign the contract right now " you said with a smile. " alright. remember to come home after and pack your bags " your mother said sweetly. you ran outside and grabbed your motorcycle helmet and put it on. securing it on with the strap and hoping on your bike. you started to ride to the studio. once you got there you saw chris. " hey chris " you said with a smile. " hey Y/N come on we can talk about the contract. " chris said putting an arm around your shoulder in a friendly manner. you started to talk about the contract. chris put the contract in front of you. you grabbed the pen and signed everything. " the season starts in 3 days. the time would be shorter but the producers say everyone needs some time to prepare for the show and to get everyone on the show and sign the contracts since we have to get everyone to sign the contracts 1 at a time. " chris mumbled the last few words. you laughed. " well see ya in a week chris! " you said. chris nodded. you left the studio with a wave to chef. " bye chef! see you in all stars! " you said with a smile. chef rolled his eyes and didnt answer. you hoped on your motorcycle and ride home to start packing. you rode back home and opened the front door. " mom im back! " you said. you saw your dad on the couch. " why the hell were you out? " he growled. yep. he was that type of dad. the kind that didn't support anything you did unless it was his idea. you were always rebellious against him. your mom was different. you were a happy person when you were with her and she supported you and your decisions. " i was signing a contract for total drama all stars. not that you would care " you mumbled. " sure you were you were probably out being a scank with that slutty emo friend of yours " your father growled. " Gwen is not a slut! what the hell is  your problem! " you yelled. " F/N please calm down! " your mother pleaded. ( btw F/N means father's name ) " i will not have that mistake ruining my reputation in this town because of her being a slut! " your father yelled. you growled. " YOU HAVE NO RIGHT TO TALK ABOUT OTHER PEOPLE BEFORE YOU LOOK AT YOURSELF YOU BASTERD " you yelled.. you walked upstairs to your room. you sighed and grabbed your phone. you called your friend Gwen. she was the only one that understood what was happening. she picked up the phone. " hey Y/N whats up? " Gwen spoke into the phone. " hey Gwen. im guessing your gonna be on all stars? " you said into the phone with a sad smile. " yeah. cant wait to see you " you said. " whats wrong?. " Gwen said in a serious tone. " UGH. its my dad. he insulted you and said you were a emo slut. so i insulted him right back. " you said. " thanks girl " Gwen said. " no problem. he has no right to insult someone before he looks at himself " you said. Gwen laughed. " il see you in three days Y/N " Gwen said into the phone. you nodded and hung up the phone. you changed and went to bed.

( time skip to when Mal steals everyones stuff and to Mal's POV btw u are a heroic hampster ) 

i snuck over to Y/N's bed. she was sleeping so piecefully. i smirked evily and reached under her bed. i pulled out a book. i flipped it open and looked inside. there were.. notes and pictures. some with that emo girl and Y/N. some with a few other people who i didnt have interest in. there was a piece of folded paper. i pulled it out of the book and read it. i walked out of the room not to linger to long and have Y/N wake up in the middle of me reading the note. i started to read.

'to be read on ( 10 years after now ) 

hello. this is past Y/N. I am 16 right now. by the time we are reading this we would be 26. is dad t he same? as much of a fat basterd as he was when you were 16? is mom just as kind and nice as she was when we were 16? are we still friends with Gwen? did we get through collage and get our deploma? i hope you did! i am on total drama all stars as im writing this! chris is being just as hard on us as ever. same old chris. chef is still... chef. I hope we have achived all our dreams and everything we have hoped for. I want our lives to be better when we read this again. we need to learn from our mistakes to grow as human beings. dont be reckless like me. be better. after all one day we might have a little girl or boy. we want to set a good example and not let history repeat itself with them. dont let the one we have children with be like dad. we dont want that for them. write to you another time. - past Y/N L/N ' I read. like her dad? i look back in the room and at Y/N. was she like me? I would need to test this theory. over the last 7 episodes I watched as Y/N sabotaged everyone after they voted off the emo girl. Gwen was it? I didn't really bother to remember. I stalk over to Y/N she gasped as my hand coverd her mouth to keep her from screaming as my other arm wrapped around her to keep her still. " shhh.. calm down. im going to remove my hand. when i do. do. not. scream. got it? " I growled. she nodded. she was usually so.. powerful and strong willed.. but right now she wasn't really in a good position to rebel against my order. i slowly remove my hand from her mouth but kept my arm around her waist as a warning ready to spring into action at any time she tried to struggle or scream. she slowly turned around and looked at me. " mike? " she said. " no. my name isint mike. my name is mal. " i said in a bored tone. " what did you do with mike? " she said with fear in her  voice. " he dropped a boulder on his head. like an idiot. it will keep him quiet for a good  while. " O answered. she sighed in relief. " really? that is good. so. why are you even talking to me? I could easily go tell everyone about you " she said. " I know you wouldn't do that. because you have the same goal as me. we could work together. " I said with a wide smirk. " if we win. then we will split the million. you can split your half with.. Gwen was it? " I questioned. " r-really? you would split the million with me? " Y/N asked confused. I chuckled. " of course. I am a man of my word after all~ " I purred. I noticed her face flush in color.  the smooth deep voice of mine making her face flush red. " mike told me he had multable personality disorder but.. ive never heard him say anything about you " she said. " well he  knows more about me then he leads on. you see. I use to own this body. then he caught me off guard with the help of his little friends. " I said. she clearly knew who i was talking about when I said ' little firends ' what I meant by little friends was mike's personalitys. " and ive been hidding in his mind gaining power to take back my body. and now no one is going to stop me. i dont want zoey  getting in my way. we will have to get rid of her. so. will you join me? " i asked  Y/N. i offerd her my hand. she reached out and took my hand. " i will do it. its great working with you  mal. " she said " good. " i said smirking. 

( back to u and time skip to when zoey finds out about mal )

zoey ran up to you. " Y/N mike isint who you think! he is mal! he is bad and is trying to get rid of mike forever! " she said. you smirked a bit, "  i know " you said. mal walked over to you and wrapped an arm around your waist. " Y/N how could you! he is trying to get rid of mike! " she cried. you smirked. " sorry zoe. mal is taking his body back. and there is nothing you can do about it " you said. mal smirked and pulled your face closer to his. his lips met yours and yours melted against his rough but slow kiss. zoey stood in shock. you pulled away from the kiss and smirked at zoey. " looks like your little boyfriend won't be asking you out after the season anyways~ " you purred. mal purred and pulled you close to him. zoey ran off. mal smirked. " we have the same goals, " mal said. you finished for him. " and that goal is to show everyone who judged us they were wrong. " you said. you were partners in crime. till death do you part.

(  sorry if some things are not spelled right o3o my spellcheck is being a LITTLE BITCH and is not working for me -_- so im sorry about that plz don't arrest me grammar police ;-; )

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