beth ( best friends!)

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you groaned in pain. you were on your period. " Y/N are you ok?" beth walked into your room worried about you. " y-yeah I'm fine. it's just my period.. " you said in a groan as you clenched your stomach. " o-oh! well, i can get some medicine and chocolate to help!' Beth said. " r-really? you'd do that for me?" you asked. " mhm! you are my bestie!" beth said. " thanks, beth you are the best friend anyone could ask for!" you said happily. beth went to the kitchen and got some chocolate. she then looked in the medicine cabinet and grabbed some of your painkillers. she brought them up to you. " here ya go!" she said handing them to you. " thanks, beth! your the best friend I could ever a-ask for" you said getting emotional as you cried into her shoulder. she smiled and pet your back. beth was the best friend you could ask for. you sighed softly as you slowly closed your eyes. " thank you beth. your the best friend I could ask for" you said with a small smile. beth turned off the light " anytime. " Beth said with a small smile " good night Y/N. il be back with some more chocolate tomorrow" beth said. " alright. thank you for taking care of me.  goodnight beth" you said with a smile. beth closed the door and left. leaving you to drift to sleep and to wait for tomorrow to see your best friend beth again.

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