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requested by confusedtrashcan :D )

you were a sensitive girl. you couldn't handle much pressure. duncan liked to make fun of you. he thought it was really funny but of course, you didn't. " oh come on Y/N it was a joke!" Duncan yelled running after you aster you sprinted off in tears. " just leave me alone Duncan!" you said walking away from him. he grabbed your wrist. you yanked your wrist away from him. you quickly sprinted away from him and ran away. he couldn't even find you. " damn it where did she go!" Duncan said looking around for you. you were sitting under the dock of shame in a ball as tears slide down your cheeks. after a few minutes Duncan jumped down and could see you there in a ball crying.. this reminds him of something gwen told him...

( flashback to a week ago and also Duncans POV )

I walked into the cabin. " okay Gwen what is it that you want?" I asked in annoyance " you need to stop being so mean to Y/N. she is very sensitive and cant take the pressure you put on her! she will have a nervous breakdown if you keep doing this" Gwen said. I rolled my eyes. " oh come on it's not like me calling her a thing every now and then will have any effect." I said. " fine. if she ends up having a nervous breakdown because of you or you make her cry you are a dead man" Gwen said. I thought that nothing would happen like that. goddamnit, I'm an idiot!

( back to third person and in the present ) 

" Y/N I'm sorry about what I said.. Gwen told me about you being sensitive and how you cant take much pressure.. I was a complete and utter jackass about it and just ignored it. " Duncan said sitting beside you kneeling. you lift your head from your knees and look over at him. your eyes were glossy from crying. " you really mean that Duncan?.." you whisper. he nods. " listen I know it's going to be hard for you to forgive me for being such an asshole to you but I hope you know that I'm sorry for what I did.. you don't have to forgive me if you don't want to. " Duncan said. wow.. he was being very sentimental.. did he really mean it? you decided to believe him and forgive him you reached over and wrapped your arms around his neck. " I forgive you duncan.." you whispered. " thank you," Duncan said. he then put his hands on your cheeks.. he pulled you closer and his lips slid over yours in a soft and sweet kiss. you blushed brightly but gave into the sweet kiss. he kept it soft and sweet. he wiped the tears off your cheeks. " so Y/N.. do you want to be my girlfriend? I know that is a question you may not be able to answer right now but-" Duncan said being cut off as you kissed him. " yes. I will be your girlfriend Duncan" you said with a soft sweet smile. " r-really?" Duncan asked. " mhm. I didn't find you to be the nice type" you said. " i-im not nice. if you tell anyone il deny it." Duncan said blushing. you giggled and snuggled into his chest. " alright tuff guy I won't tell anyone. it will stay our little secret" you said with a sweet smile. duncan smiled and kissed you. you smiled and spent the night looking at the stars with Duncan. he did act mean and tuff when he was around other people.. but when he was alone with you he was as sweet as sugar. 

              ( i hope you enjoyed it confusedtrashcan! )

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