big brother! trent ( season 1)

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you let out a yelp as a bully named Damian pinned you to your locker " p-please l-leave me alone" you said in a stutter. he laughed. " you little slut you think I'm gonna let you walk out of here without a few cuts??" he said smirking as he pulled out a pocket knife and waved it in front of your face with a wicked smirk. he held it to your neck. suddenly the bell rang. " goddamnit." he growled and put the pocket knife away. " you will see me tomorrow. and this" he said holding his pocket knife. you let out a whimper. he walked to class. you went to your class feeling anxious to be in the safety of your own home. once the day ended you saw Damian looking around for you. you started to run home to avoid seeing him. you ran home and opened the door and went inside. " hey Y/N" your brother Trent said. " h-hey Trent" you said. " is something wrong?" he asked. " n-no I'm fine" you said. in the back of your mind you were screaming ' what the heck are you doing?! tell him he will know what to do!' you ignored that voice and went to your room. this went on for a few days.  you stayed home from school. " Y/N why haven't you ben at school?" Trent asked you " no reason," you said. " Y/N I know you are lying. what happened?" Trent asked sitting on your bed with you. " y-you see.. there is this guy that is bullying me... a few days ago he was holding a knife to my neck.." you said softly. " HE. DID. WHAT?!" Trent yelled. " Y/N. I'm coming to your school tomorrow." Trent said. " t-Trent you don't have to-" " i do Y/N your my little sister and you're very special to me." Trent said softly. trent hugged you and held you tightly. " things will get better Y/N. I promise" Trent whispered from that day forward Damien didn't bully you anymore and neither did anyone else. you had the coolest big brother.

 requested by the same girl/boy from the previous trend  fanfiction I hope you liked it I'm always open to requests

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