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( request by 5lander )

you were in a group of trouble makers. you grab your duffle bag full of spray paint and took off into the street. you saw a wall of a shop and smirked. time to do some graffiti. aka vandalism. you took out a few cans of spray paint and started to spray paint the walls. ( the picture above )

you sighed in annoyance as your can of red spray paint ran out " damn it " you mumbled. suddenly you heard a chuckle. " hey there princess " you heard one of your gang members say. his name was duncan. you turned to him " the fuck do you want duncan?" you said in annoyance. he tossed a can of red spray paint to you and you taught it. " saw you were having a little trouble there with the red spray paint. " duncan said leaning against the wall just beside your still wet graffiti on the wall. " thanks I guess " you said. you continued to spray paint the wall. eventually duncan joined in oddly enough. " odd. i havent seen you do graffiti in a while. " duncan said. you smirked "I do it in more open areas. areas that are more noticeable. they get more attention and make more people annoyed that way " you said smirking. duncan smirked "  i like it " duncan said. " hows around we go and.. cause some.. trouble. " duncan said with an evil smirk. you took your pocket knife out and smirked. " sounds like a plan. so what are we gonna do?" you asked. " those rich kid snobs are having a little party tonight. wanna go crash it? maybe trash the place? " duncan said. you fist bumped him "I like the way you think duncan. you arent as useless as I thought " you said with a laugh. duncan laughed. you spotted the party. lights and music could be seen and heard. you smirked as you took out fireworks. ( you know the ones that look like they are spiting out fire low to the ground ) you snuck in through the back gate and you heard the music get louder. you and duncan sneaked in the backyard and opened the glass back door and lit some firecrackers and put some spitfire fireworks on the floor. the fireworks went off and people ran out of the house screaming. you and duncan laughed and he fist bumped you. " WHO DID THAT?! I KNOW YOUR OUT THERE!! " someone screamed. they came twords the back door " shit! duncan no time for the gate! OVER THE FENCE!" you yelled. he boosted you up and you both jumped over the fence and ran for it. as you walked back to hide out you laughed at the work you had done. " where did you even get those fireworks and firecrackers from? " duncan asked with a smile. " my duffle bag. bring it everywhere with me. " you said. " cool " he said. once you got back to the hide out you saw rex walk over. " where were you guys?" rex asked. ( yes rex is a filler character. he can look however you want him to. the usual goth or something else w hatever u want him to look like ) you rolled your eyes. " just crashing one of the snobby rich kids parties. " you said. " damn you didnt invite me?" rex asked punching your arm playfully. you laughed " sorry i usually work only in two's " you said putting your arm around duncan's neck. rex was usually your trouble making buddy but makin trouble with duncan was pretty fun. " who knows duncan might even become my new troublemaking buddy " you said mockingly at rex he gasped and punched your arm and laughed. you grabbed duncan and noogied him messing up his mohawk. " let me go!" duncan pleaded trying to get out of your arm lock you had on his head as you noogied him. you finally let go and he fell backward. " that was pretty fun duncan " you said with a smile. duncan blushed and scoffed and got up. he dusted himself off. " i guess it was. whatever. " duncan said. honestly, you thought duncan was the best person here. he was fun. he knew how to treat a girl right and how to show a girl a good time. ( not in that way u pervs ) " hey duncan wanna go out and make some graffiti tomorrow night?!" you yelled to him as he walked away. he looked back and smirked. he threw a spray paint can at you and you caught it. " see you then " duncan said. you smiled and looked at the paint can. rex smirked and nudged you. " you like him dont you?" rex asked. you scoffed. " as if rex. plus even if i did he wouldn't like me. he is into prissy little princesses like that bitch courtney. " you said. courtney was one of duncan's.. friends. you could tell the bitch liked him and you fucking hated her guts. " you are jealous " rex taunted. he grabbed some spray paint and started to make some graffiti on the wall. " am not. why would I be jealous over that.. that.. bitch who is trying to take duncan away from me- us. she thinks she is going to change him. and make him like her. " you said. " you know it will take alot more than a bitch like that to change duncan. you know him. and plus i dont even think he likes her. " rex said trying to comfort you. you sighed and sat down against the wall next to some empty spray cans. " he acts like he does. he never stops talking about her. youl see rex. she will change duncan one way or another. " you said. "I can tell you like him. "rex said. " why would I like him like that? he is rotten he's a jerk he is a total idiot with his dumb mohawk and those sparkling eyes- and oh my god I do like him!. " you shouted. pretty much disgusted with the fact you said that. " mhm. " rex said tossing a empty spray can next to you. " if you don't want to lose duncan to courtney you need to try to spend more time with him. try to get to know him better. eventually you might get close enough to get him away from courtney. I overheard her and her bitch gang talking and they wanted to change him into one of them. you need to do something. " rex said. you thought for a moment. " your right rex! I need to try if I give up now there is no chance of winning. " you said. you stood up. " DUNCAN WAIT UP!!! " you yelled out. you ran through the normal parts of the streets and saw duncan walking to someone. courtney. you walked up to duncan " hey duncan " you said. " hey Y/N " duncan said. " you know princess here  " duncan said motioning over to courtney with his head. you saw her glaring at you. " rude much?" she said snarkily. you raised a eyebrow. " bitchy much?" you asked puting your hand on your hip with a glare. " as I was saying duncan. " courtney said. she hooked her arm around his. she smirked at you. " you should come to my party tonight. it will be fun! " courtney said. you saw a gleam in your eye. " I have plans tonight.. " duncan said. " oh come on. im sure that person wont mind. " courtney said. " but.. " duncan said. " duncan this is more important then whatever you had planned " courtney said. "I was going to go and hang out with Y/N " duncan said. " oh SHE doesn't mind! she is just fine with it. arent you Y/N?  plus. we can get some.. alone time cant we duncan?~ " she asked in a disgustingly cute tone. you growled. THAT IS IT!!! you swatted her arm away from duncan and glared. " he is taken. and I am not okay with it. you can go  back and crawl back under whatever prissy little rock you crawled out from under! " you growled. she gasped. " how dare you!" she yelled. she tried to punch you in the stomach when suddenly duncan's hand caught her fist. " dont. touch. her. " duncan said simply. he let go of her hand and her hand relaxed at her side. "duncan why! she is trying to come in between us!" courtney said. " no. infact you were trying to get between me and Y/N. rex was right about you. " duncan said. " rex heard what you were saying  to your little bitch group about you wanting to change duncan! I came to warn duncan about YOU!" you said pointing to courtney. she yelled in annoyance. " FINE WHEN  THAT SLUT CHEATS ON YOU YOU WILL COME RUNNING BACK! " she yelled. you rolled your eyes and so did duncan. she stomped away grumbling to herself.  duncan pulled you close. " Y/N I.. " duncan said. you cut the bad boy off with a kiss. " I like you to you dummy " you said. smirking at him. he was wide eyed for a second. but smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist. " wanna go cause some trouble? " he raised an eyebrow. you smirked " you know how to treat a girl right ya know that? " you chuckled. you walked to the hideout to get your supplies for your little night out together. 

( sorry for spelling errors im tired okay im sorry XD at least i went to the trouble of using caps on the i's ;v; )

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