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( requested by JadeOchnio )

you got voted off of total drama world tour. 

" no! why Y/N?!" Alejandro said. " she made us lose the challenge." Noah said. you sighed. "I knew this would happen. I'm sorry for making us lose the challenge guys," you said. you went to grab a parachute near the door of the plane. you slipped. you fell off the plan. everything went black.

( at the hospital )

alejandro was passing around. he didn't know if you were okay or what. the doctor walked over to him. " miss L/N would like to see you." the doctor said. alejandro nodded. he leads Alejandro to your room. you smiled softly at him. " mi amour thank god you are okay" Alejandro said. you were laying in a hospital bed. " but there is one problem.. her leg bones got completely crushed in the fall. she will never walk again." the doctor said. alejandro's eyes widened. " Alejandro. it's okay.. I'm just glad I'm alive. not many people are as lucky as I am to escape death." you said. "  how are you always so positive about everything? no matter what happens to you there is always a bright side to you..." Alejandro said softly. he kissed your forehead. " she will need two months in here to recover. you can visit her in visiting hours." the doctor said. alejandro nodded.

for the next two months you were in the hospital Alejandro would visit every few days. " Alejandro? how is it that you visit me so much? what about total drama world tour?" you asked, "I left." he said. " why?" you asked with wide eyes. " because I knew I wouldn't be able to see you." he said. " you didn't have to leave total drama just to come see me.." you said. " but I wanted to. " Alejandro said sweetly as he kissed your forehead.

you smiled softly. " thank you alejandro.. I love you" you said. alejandro smiled and held your hand. he gave you a soft kiss.

( a few months later ) you were out of the hospital. life was getting a bit better. you got a wheelchair. even though you couldn't walk. you were still happy. 

( i hope you liked it jade this is all i couldent come up wiht im sorry ;v; ) 

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