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( requested by Aphmau_sempi ) 

your name is Y/N McLean. you are Chris's little sister. you had a boyfriend named Topher. sometimes.. it felt like Topher liked Chris more... he was in his FANCLUB!

you walked to your room. you let out a huff, " even my BOYFRIEND likes Chris more" you said as you lay on your bed and bury your face in a pillow. you grabbed your phone. you had a text from Chris. " hey (nickname you hate ) " Chris texted. " hey Chris." you said with an unamused emoji. " something wrong?" Chris texted. " yeah. topher is being a jerk and ignoring my texts and calls. he is so OBSESSED with you that he doesn't pay any attention to me anymore... its like he just dates me because I'm your sister.." you texted. " oh really? does he now.." Chris texted. " yeah..." you texted. oddly Chris stopped replying. oh well. you put your phone down and sigh. you lay down and go to sleep to get your mind off of Topher. 

( meanwhile on Chris's POV ) 

I put my phone in my pocket. I'm gonna deal with Topher. my little sis only deserves the best. not some idiot who ignores her. I may act like a dick to her but I still love my little sis.

I drove to Topher's house. I knocked on the door, " o-oh Chris I-I wasn't expecting to see you" Topher said. " you have explaining to do"I growled. " pardon?" Topher said. " tell me why you have been ignoring Y/N these last few months" i growled. " what? I'm not ignoring Y/N" Topher said. " do you think I'm stupid or something? Y/N has been calling and texting you but you never answer her or go to her house." I said with a glare. " o-oh that... I've been busy lately.. I haven't had time to talk to her" Topher said. I was starting to get annoyed with this pile of trash that my dear sister called her boyfriend. " that doesn't mean you cant text her back every once and a while. she has been worried SICK over your ass. now you better go to Y/N's house and address this situation. if you keep this up she will leave you. " I said crossing my arms with a cold stare at Topher. "holy fuck your right! I need to go find her" Topher said. he locked his door and ran to Y/N's house. I went back to my house and let Y/N handle the rest. 

( back to you ) 

you heard loud knocks. you got up. " who the fuck is at my house at 1 am?" you grumbled. you got up and went downstairs. you opened the front door and suddenly Topher hugged you. " I'm so sorry Y/N! I shouldn't have ignored you like that. Chris came to my house and talked to me about ignoring you. I'm so sorry Y/N.. please forgive me.." Topher said. you blunk. you sighed softly and hugged him back. " you owe me, " you said. "I know.. I'm sorry." Topher said again. " it's okay Topher... just please don't ignore me... I was so worried.. " you said softly. you hugged him back tightly and buried your face into his neck. 

you both spent the night watching movies and cuddling. you grabbed your phone and texted Chris real quick. " thank you." you texted. you lay in Topher's arms and watch movies all night. 

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