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(requested by JadeOchnio )

( i actually named Derek after my friend Derek ) 

Y/N = your name

F/I favorite ice cream

you were walking to your boyfriend's house. his name was Derek. you opened his door knowing he didn't care if you knocked. " babe I brought you-" you said cutting yourself off and you dropped the doughnuts that you got for Derek as you saw your best friend kissing Derek. " ANNA?! DEREK WHAT THE HELL?!" you yelled.  " babe hold on it's not what it looks like!" Derek said running over and grabbing your hand. " Y/N let me explain," Anna said. " its over. leave me the hell alone and never talk to me again" you yell. " Duncan was right about both of you!" you said. you ran out of the apartment and ran home. you slammed the front door. you ran upstairs and locked yourself in your room. you started to sob.

( duncansPOV ) I heard the front door slam and someone run upstairs. I could hear someone who I presumed was Y/N crying. I went upstairs to her room door. it was locked. I sat at the door and I could hear her sobs. " Y/N.. what happened?" I asked. " D-Derek was cheating on me w-w-with a-anna. I just caught them" she cried. I knew he was a no good brute. il deal with him later. right now I need to help my sister who is in need of her brother. " he doesn't deserve you. you deserve much better than him. he isn't worth even a second of your time. " I said to her hoping to help her. after about 25 minutes of me talking to her to calm her down, she stopped sobbing and sniffled. I heard the door lock click open. I got up and opened the door. I walked in and saw her huddled in a ball beside her bed. I sat next to her. I saw her phone on the floor with a picture of Derek and Anna kissing on it. I tossed it on the bed. I wrapped my arms around Y/N. hoping to comfort her. suddenly her phone buzzed. it was Derek. she reached for it but I grabbed it first. " Y/N I can explain-" Derek said. I quickly cut her off. " she isn't talking to you. and she won't be for a very long time. you hurt her. and with her BEST FRIEND. you don't deserve a single second of the time that she spent with you. " I said. I hung up. " you didn't have to do that duncan.." I heard Y/N say. " after what he did he doesn't have a single right to talk to you. " I said to her. her phone started to buzz like crazy. now he was texting her after he figured out that she wasn't going to pick up. I turned off the phone. " so. how about tonight we get ice cream and watch movies tonight? you get to pick the movie and il get the ice cream. deal?" I asked her.

( back to you ) you smiled softly. you liked the sound of it. you nodded. duncan and you went downstairs and you lay on the couch covered in blankets and pillows. duncan handed you a basket of movies to watch. " pick one while I go get the ice cream." Duncan said. you nodded. you picked one of the movies. duncan walked back in with two tubs of F/I. he grabbed the movie you picked and started it up. the movie started to play. you ate ice cream all night and watched movies. duncan may be a jerk sometimes but he was always there when you needed him.

( i hope it was worth the wait Jade :D )

( bonus )

duncan went to Derek's apartment and Derek opened the door. " o-oh hello duncan.." Derek said with a hint of fear in his voice. duncan grabbed Derek and pinned him to the wall lifting him up. "stop trying to talk to Y/N. got it?" Duncan growled. " p-please don't hurt me! it was only a few times! please don't hurt me!" Derek said fear thick in his voice.  " only a few times.. I think anyone with one brain cell could tell after one time that it was a mistake. NEVER come hear Y/N. you will end up with a few bruises. " Duncan growled out. he put Derek down and went back home.

(okay now im done XD )

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