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                 ( requested by hihiboiiiiiiiii )

you liked to spend time with Noah. heather didint like you talking to eachother though. " um what are you doing?" heather said with a glare as she saw you and noah reading a book together under the dock.  " why do you even care about what me and Y/N do?" noah said with a raised eyebrow looking up from the book you both were reading. " it is like.. against the rules or something!" heather said. " when did anyone say that people from diffrent teams cant hang out?" noah said. "I did! Y/N get away from him this very second!" Heather yelled. " hmmm nah." you said with a smirk. noah fist bumped you. heather shouted in anger and stomped away. " Y/N why didn't you go with heather?" Noah asked. " isn't it obvious? id rather stick with you then mean old heather. besides you actually, understand me.." you said with a small blush. noah laughed embarrassed and scratched the back of his head. you both continued to read the book. you lean onto his shoulder with a red face trying to get a bit closer. noah blushed and ignored it but it stayed in the back of his mind. noah looked over and realized you were so close.. " come on go for it!" Noah thought. noah suddenly grabbed both your shoulders after he had sat down the book. " N-Noah what-" you stuttered quickly being cut off by Noah's lips sliding over yours. you blushed darkly but kissed back. it was a very sweet kiss. noah pulled away slowly. " Y/N I really like you and I was hoping.. maybe you w-would go out with me?" Noah asked with an adorable blush as he nervously shuffled. you smiled widely and tackled Noah in a kiss. " yes, of course, il be your girlfriend!" you said happily. " but what will heather say? " you asked. " that doesn't matter right now." Noah said with a smile. you nodded. you both continued to read the book and cuddled and exchanged kisses every now and then. little did you know Heather was standing behind a tree glaring she was determined to keep you both apart. little did SHE know that wouldn't work out well for her. you and Noah then decided to go back to the cabins. " goodnight Noah" you said softly. " goodnight Y/N" Noah said. you then softly kissed. you went to bed and lay down in your bed. you had a feeling that maybe coming to the camp wasn't a complete waste of time. 

( i hope you enjoyed I'm sorry it's so short its very late :p )

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