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( requested by escue707 )

you were insecure. you didn't like the way you looked so you would hide away your body using a sweater and some loose jeans. you had a boyfriend named vito. he was very beautiful. you felt like you were too ugly to have him. it's not like you hated yourself. just your body. 

you got up out of bed. it was going to be hot today. you put on your tank top and a large sweater over it. you also put on jeans. you slipped on your shoes. you picked up your phone and texted vito. 

Y/N hey vito morning :)

vito is typing.. 

vito : morning babe whats up?

Y/N : not much. just woke up 

vito is typing..

vito : hehe you slept in again didnt you?

Y/N : shush! X3

vito is typing.. 

vito : wanna go out today? we dont need to do anything fancy. i know you arent the flashy kind of girl so why dont we just go to the park? thats more your speed right?

you smiled at the text. he always knew what you liked. he wasint the douch everyone made him out to be. it was sweet when you got to know him. he maaay be cocky every now and then but he was still nice 

Y/N : sure! id love to! 

vito is typing..

vito : i knew you would! haha good thing i got here a few minutes ago not hurry up!

Y/N : wait.. your outside?

you sat your phone down and looked out your window and saw vito outside. he smiled at you and waved. you grabbed your phone and put your shoes on. you walked outside and vito hugged you. " hey babe " he said with a smile. you blushed and hugged him back. you guys started to talk to the park. it started to get hot. vito noticed you were sweating. " you okay babe? you should take off your sweater " vito said concerned. " I'm fine " you said you gave him a reassuring smile. he could see through it. " babe I know you are lying. just take off the sweater. its okay " vito said. you started to tear up. you nodded and took off the sweater. the heat melting off you but the sun kept you warm. vito noticed your curvey body. he never saw you without your sweater. you noticed him staring. " he is going to hate me.. I know he is " your mind said. "
I.. " you said. you hiccuped as a few tears slid down your cheeks. vito saw your tears. he cupped your cheeks. " whats wrong?" vito asked. " I'm insecure about my body.. I'm not pretty.. " you said. in that instant vito pulled you flush to his body.  " you are perfect. you are beautiful " he said. you hiccuped softly. " instead why don't we go to your place? we can watch a movie if you would like after all it is getting pretty hot " vito said. you nodded softly. suddenly before you knew it vito picked you up. you tried to get out of his grasp but gave up. you got to your house and he opened the door and placed you on the couch. you were about to put back on your sweater when he stopped you. " you need to cool down. that sweater wasn't helping " he said. you sighed and set your sweater down. vito came back with a blanket and F/M. ( favorite movie ) you smiled and he put the movie on. he sat next to you and then layed on the couch taking you with him. your head laying on his chest. one arm behind his head holding it up. his other arm wrapped around your waist. you sighed as the cool air cooled you down slowly. it felt nice. the saw vito deep into thought. he was staring at the ceiling. his thumb subconsciously gently rubbing your side gently. you liked the feeling and relaxed. you were tense before do to the fact his hand was on your side but you relaxed. " hey babe?" vito said finally unburying himself from his thoughts. " hm?" you asked. " why are you insecure about your body?" vito asked. you looked at the wall. " before you.. there was someone. his name was B/N ( boys name ) he was.. emotionally abusive. he would insult me and my body. it all went to heart one day when he told me I should hide my body because it was ugly.. " you said. "I know I shouldn't have but I felt like he was right.. so since then I had taken it to heart and I've worn that old sweater ever since, " you said. vito sighed. he pulled you close to him. he cupped your cheeks. he pulled you close untell you were nose to nose. he layed your head on his shoulder and he whispered comforting words. " you are beautiful. he never deserved someone like you. you are perfect. he was so wrong to do that to you.  you never deserved that treatment from him. " he whispered more comforting words to you. your heart melted. you nuzzled his neck in affection. " thank you " you said softly. you started to gently play with the tooth necklace he had on. by now the movie had ended. the quiet lured you into sleeping. vito smiled and picked you up. he brought you to your room and gently pulled back the blankets to your bed and layed you down and pulled the blankets on top of you in a bundle. he smiled as he saw you smile in your sleep. he turned up the air conditioner to make it a bit colder in your room. he turned off the lights and left your room closing the door. 

( i am working on a few requests at the moment. this is the one i got done first i am working on another please be patient thank you all and see you soon! )

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