why are my updates slow?

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hey guys! i wanted to thank you for 1.8 k. I'm so happy we have gotten this far. this is all of you guys reading my trash work that got us this far. I thank you all for the love and support you give me. but back to the problem at hand. 

I know that to you my updates are very fast. .. but I want to get them out faster, I don't like my family reading my stuff when I'm writing. but you may say " but kora don't you have a computer in your room? " no I don't. the computer I use is in a public area of my house. some may say " why are you afraid of them reading it? I'm sure they will understand your love for it" yeah you may be right. I just want to let my creativity flow freely and have no one judge me for it. I love to write and it lets me make my own little worlds and live in them. I'm sorry if this is just me going on and on.. but I just wanted to open up to you guys. you guys are like my family now :) and each and every one of you are important to me. with every read, I get a burst of joy that you decided to read my stuff. so. I hope you will be patient. normally I have a story out in 1 to 3 days normally. sometimes even 1 to 16 days at tops. I wish I could write more. so I hope you understand. thank you for listening to me go on and on about nothing. I love you all. each and every one of you ^w^ even though most of you don't comment I still love you all :)

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