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( requested by wolfchibi27 ) 

( im sorry wolfchibi once i was done with the chapter i realized that you wanted all stars ;-; im so sorry wolfchibi i hope u can forgive me ;-; when i was writing this i was on another computer all i could remember was that it was an alejandro X reader ;-; ) 

your name is Y/N and you are a highschool student. you were 14 years old and you were more of the shy kind of person. you liked one of the popular kids. he had girls after him left and right. you were sitting at your lunch table alone like usual. headphones in as you read your book of Mexican history. you felt someone poke your shoulder. you saw alejandro standing next to you. you took a ear bud out to hear him. " may i sit here?" alejandro asked. you blushed and nodded shyly. holy fuck alejandro. the most popular guy in school sitting next to you? WHAT?! you were internally screaming. " what are you reading?" alejandro asked. " its called the history of Mexico d-do you wanna read it with me?.. " you asked shyly. " sure " alejandro answered. you sat there reading the book together. " alejandro what are you doing with her? " a girl asked snarkily as she pointed at you. " you shouldent be hanging out with garbage like her. why not come and talk with me for a while? " she said. you sighed. " how dare you " alejandro said. you cut him off " alejandro its okay im use to it " you said. " you shouldn't be use to it! you are a beautiful girl who deserves respect " alejandro said. " and you. how dare you insult her! she is more then you will ever be. if you will leave us alone that would be greatly appreciated. " alejandro said.(edited)you blushed darkly but smiled knowing he was protecting you. " FINE! if you come back to your senses you know where to find me " the girl growled as she walked away. " did you really mean that alejandro?" you asked " yeah. it was nice talking and reading with you Y/N would you like to do it again tomorrow? " alejandro asked. you shyly blushed and nodded. " sure " you said. you hung out with alejandro a lot now. a lot of girls got jealous. you saw a note on your locker. it was taped there. you took the tape off as alejandro stepped next to you to go to class. you read the letter. it said ' stay away from alejandro! you wont like what I will do if you don't! ' the note said. you had gotten 7 of these in the last 20 days. you sighed. alejandro looked at the note. he sighed and threw it in the trash. " don't worry about it. if anyone hurts you they will answer to me " alejandro said. you smiled and nodded. alejandro took you to class. you walked into the class room and class went on as usuall. getting glares from girls. writing a test. the usual. you left class and went to your locker. there was another note. you read it. ' meet me at the roof of the school - love lajenadro ' it said. your friend lexi walked up to you. " hey Y/N! oh a note from alejandro? " she asked looking at the note. you nodded. " you better get going! " she said. you nodded and made your way to the walked up to the roof. you didnt see alejandro. suddenly the doors to get upto the roof slammed shut. you heard wicked giggles. you turned and saw friends of heather standing in front of the door giggling wickedly. " you didnt listen " you heard heather's voice. you cried out suddenly as a kick to the back sent you to the ground. you heard heather's friends laugh. they started to kick you. punch you. you cried out in pain.

( alejandro's POV )

I walked up to Y/N's friend lexi. " hey lexi " I said. " hey alejandro! wait.. arent you late to go talk to Y/N on the roof? " she asked. what? on the roof? " what do you mean?" I asked. she handed me a note. it said ' meet me at the roof of the school - love alejandro ' what? I never wrote a note "I didn't write this.. " I said. " wait... then who did?" lexi asked nervously... I thought.. the note from earlier. Y/N IS IN DANGER!! i ran to the stairs to get to the roof. i kicked the door open revealing Y/N laying on the ground. coughing up blood. heather laughing at her along with her friends. " Y/N! " I yelled. I ran over to Y/N kneeling down. I gently picked her up a bit. " a-alejandro.. " she whimpered. " shh its alright mi Hermosa flor " I said. I gently picked her up and stood. I sat her against the wall to rest. I walked upto heather and punched her. her friends gasped and helped heather up and fled. I went and picked Y/N up. I took her to the nurses office. the nurse gasped as she saw Y/N. " what happened to miss L/N?! " she asked alarmed. " set het down I need to see if anything is broken " she said. I set her down and she started to gently feel around Y/N's body where bruises were starting to form. " now mister Burromuerto answer my question. how did this happen? " the nurse asked. " dont worry about it. im going to tell the principal about what happened. please just focus on helping her. " i said.

I was going down the hall to get to the principal's office when suddenly I heard a voice. " alejandro Burromuerto to the principal's office please. " the voice said. I went into the principal's office and saw heather glaring at me. " mister Burromuerto I understand that you punched miss Kasuga correct? " the principal said." and for NO REASON! " heather said fake crying. " let me tell you what happened. Y/N is one of my friends and heather has been putting threat notes on her locker. she wrote a note and pretended to be me and tricked Y/N into going up to the roof. heather and her friends assaulted Y/N and she is in the nurses office as we speak! i was defending Y/N. she didnt do anything wrong to deserve what heather did and I will take whatever punishment you give me. " I said. " lets see if miss L/N is really in the nurse's office. then we will check the roof's security camera. " the principal said. we all walked to the nurses office. sure enough Y/N was sitting there while the nurse was tending to Y/N's bruises and cuts. " I see. " the principal said. "I will get the security tape. " the principal said. he left the room and came back with a tape. there was a tape player in the nurses office and he put it in. the footage revealed Y?N getting beaten by heather and me punching her. " i see. mister Burromuerto you will not be punished. you were protecting another classmate. and for you miss Kasuga will be suspented for two months " the principal said. " that is not fair!! " heather said. " do not talk back miss Kasuga " the principal said. heather growled and walked out of the school. " you did a good thing. " the principal said to me. I nodded and sat down next to Y/N. the principal walked out of the nurses office.

( back to you )

 alejandro sat next to you. " are you feeling alright mi corazon? " alejandro asked. you nodded. " yeah. thank you for saving me alejandro " you said. " its no problem " alejandro said. suddenly.. he hugged you. bringing you close. it slightly stung from the slight pressure on the bruises you had but you didnt really care much to pull away. " i was so scared i was going to lose you " alejandro said softly. you wrapped your arms around him hugging him back. " I love you mi amour " he said. you blushed softly. " really?" you asked almost not believing him. " of course " he said. he pulled away from the hug slightly to look into your eyes. you searched his eyes for any sign that he was lying. there was none. you smiled softly. " I love you to alejandro " you said. he gently leaned in. but stopping. he looked into your eyes again as if asking if it was okay. in responce you leaned in a bit. he sealed your lips in a soft sweet kiss. your eyes fluttering close so did his. you pulled away and sighed softly. you leaned against him and alejandro smiled softly. the nurse giggled and left the room leaving you and alejandro alone to have your sweet moment. after a few minutes she came back. " Y/N you are okay to go home just take it easy okay? nothing is broken and you should be okay as long as you dont strain yourself to much. I called your mother to come and pick you up " the nurse said. you nodded and got up with al ittle help from alejandro. you walked out of the school building and saw your mother's car. you saw your mother get out and run over to you. " oh my sweetheart are you okay? I heard what happened " your mother said. you smiled

" im okay mom. a girl just beat me up. alejandro saved me though " you said sweetly smiling at alejandro he blushed and smiled " so this is the boy you were talking about? " your mom asked looking at alejandro. you blushed and nodded softly. " its nice to meet you alejandro. you better take care of my little wallflower " your mom said. you blushed. " mom dont call me a wallflower " you said blushing. your mom smiled. " lets get you in the car " your mother said. you nodded and got in the car. you rolled the window down. " I'll text you okay? maybe I can visit some time? " alejandro said smiling. you nodded. " of course you can visit " you said. " see you soon alejandro! " you said. you rolled up the window and your mother started to drive. you squealed and your mother laughed. " you really like him dont you? " your mother asked. you nodded. " i was so suprised when we started to hang out! I was just sitting by myself like usual and he came over and started to read a book with me! " you said. " he is the most popular guy in school " you said. " I was just shy back then but he likes me for me and I'm happy about that" you giggled. your mother smiled " that is so sweet! if he hurts you I will throw him out a window and into a wood chipper " your mother said with a smile. you laughed at her you took your phone out and started to text alejandro. everything was great.

( again im sorry wolfchibi ;v; )

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