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                                    requested by jubileejigsaw

your name was Y/N. you were a 16 year old girl. you had a best friend named Gwen. you were in love with her. you went over to her house for movie night. you knocked on Gwen's door. " oh what a surprise Y/N!" Gwen's mom said happily opening the door. " hello! gwen invited me for movie night" you said happily. " alright! try not to stay up too late" she said with a smile. " Gwen! Y/N is here" Gwen's mom yelled up to Gwen in her room. gwen came downstairs. " sup Y/N?" Gwen asked. she looked amazing as usual. "  she looks amazing!~" you said in your mind. " hey gwen.. I came over for movie night" you said with a smile. " great! I just made popcorn. I got a bunch of snacks also" she said. " ok!" you said. gwen lead you upstairs. you both went to her room. she turned off the light and you both sat on her bed. you started to watch alien chunks. you yelped as a jump scare suddenly popped up on the screen and clung onto Gwen. you blushed madly and opened your eyes. finding your face VERY close to hers. you blushed madly " i-I'm so sorry gwe-" before you could finish she connected her lips with yours. your eyes widened. your heart was pounding so fast.. you kissed back with passion and Gwen kissed you with just as much passion... the kiss was slow.. and sweet. she pulled you closer as you relaxed into her. it felt.. so amazing... you wrapped your arms around her pulling her closer. she smiled into the kiss and slowly pulled away. " G-Gwen y-you feel the same way I d-do?" you asked blushing like mad. she chuckled " you were obvious! do you really think I wouldn't notice those longing glances you gave me?" she asked with a chuckle. you blushed darkly. " Gwen I'm sorry I didn't tell you.. I was scared you would reject me.. I thought you liked Trent" you said with a blush.  " we are just friends. so what do you say? want to be my girlfriend?" Gwen asked with a chuckle. you smiled and nodded. she pulled you closer and kissed you again. the night went on as you kept watching movies exchanging kisses every now and then.

                   ( i hope it was ok and it was worth the wait! :3 )

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