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you were heathers sister. she pushed you around. you were her twin but you two didnt look the same. making you both 16 in this ( sorry i fixed this i wrote this years ago before versing myself in age differences and finally got my account back so im fixing my old mistakes because im appauled i posted it then im so sorry ) 

you were asleep on the plane and you felt cold. you shivered slightly. alejandro looked at your sleeping form and layed his shirt on you to keep you warm. heather looked over from across the plane and glared. alejandro got up and went back over next to her. " what is up with you and my sister?" Heather said judgingly. " I simply don't want her to get a cold. we don't have any type of medicine on the plane.simple as that" Alejandro said. heather glared. " yeah right," she said rolling her eyes. you opened your eyes slightly and saw Alejandro's shirt on top of you. you blushed slightly and grabbed it bringing it closer to you. you smiled softly at Alejandro and closed your eyes again falling back asleep. alejandro had a soft smile on his face. alejandro went back to first class. 

                                          ( later)

you got up and had Alejandro's shirt. you blushed softly. you held onto it and could smell his cologne on it. it smelled so nice... you looked around and didn't see heather.. she must be doing a confessional. you looked around and couldn't find Alejandro. you grabbed his shirt and went up to first class. " um Alejandro?" you called.  " yes mi dulce? " Alejandro said. " thank you for your shirt.. here you can have it back," you said softly blushing. " its no problem mi dulce" Alejandro said sweetly to you as he put his shirt back on. " why do you always call me that?" you asked innocently. " it means my sweet in Spanish" he purred. you blushed darkly. " r-really?" you asked. " of course" he said. " alejandro.. are you flirting with me?" you asked shyly. " looks like you saw right through me" he said with a chuckle. " b-but how do i know you won't broke my heart like you did with Bridget leshawna and Courtney?.." you whispered sadly. he softly kissed you. it was a sweet and soft kiss. you slowly melted into him.  slowly relaxing. " how do I know this isn't a show?.." you said softly. " it's not a show... I would never break a fragile girl like you like I did to leshawna Bridget and Courtney you are the only one I've truly wanted to be with" Alejandro said softly. you smiled softly " ok... I trust you.. I love you, Alejandro" you whispered softly as you reconnected your lips softly to his. he wrapped his arms around your body gently. you rested your hands on his shoulders. you slowly pulled away. " what is heather going to say?..." you whispered. " we can tell her. but if you want we can keep it a secret. " Alejandro said. " we should keep it a secret. " you said softly. " alright mi amour. I understand that you don't want heather finding out" Alejandro said sweetly. little did you know Tylor was looking through the door with a look of shock. he quickly left.

                                    ( later on in a challenge ) 

Taylor looked very nervous. " tylor just tell me what your hiding and this would be over" Heather yelled. " FINE, I ADMIT IT! I SAW Y/N AND ALEJANDRO KISSING IN FIRST CLASS" Tylor yelled. your eyes widened. he saw?! oh no... now heather knows! " THAY WHAT?!" Heather screamed. " Y/N YOU TRAITOR! I told you not to go near him!" Heather yelled at you backing you into a corner " i-i im s-sorry o-ok?" you said quietly. suddenly heather raised and hand and slapped you. you fell to the floor. " that's for disobeying orders" Heather said. " hey! leave her alone!" Alejandro yelled going over to you and nealing next to you taking your hand. " are you ok mi amour?" he said softly to you. " y-yes.. this isint the worst thing she has done to me.." you said softly. alejandro pulled you close to him. he put a hand on your cheek that had a hand print on it. " what gives you the right to control her life?" Alejandro growled glaring at heather. " what gives you the right to kiss my sister!" heather yelled at Alejandro.  " she has the right to make her own choices. " Alejandro said. " Y/N how could you betray us for the enemy! " Heather yelled.  " HE MAY BE YOUR ENEMY BUT HES NOT MINE" you yelled suddenly. heather yelled in frustration and looked down at you " I hope you rot with him!" she yelled. you looked away with pain in your eyes. 

                                 ( later on the plane) alejandro won the challenge. " I chose Y/N to go to first class with me," Alejandro said. " HEY! that's not allowed!" Heather said. " Alejandro ima let this one slide. " Chris said. " thank you " Alejandro said. you blushed as Alejandro bowed and held out his hand for you to take. you took his hand gently and he leads you to first class.  you went to first class with Alejandro and sat down. you smiled at him. " thank you for taking me to first class Alejandro. " you said with a smile " its no problem mi amour its the least I could do for you." Alejandro said. " plus I don't want to leave you alone with heather. " Alejandro said. " y-yeah she does... overreact to a lot of things.. she is very... competitive..." you said trying to find the right words to put it in. " yes I have noticed that. " Alejandro said. " she shouldn't treat you like that. " Alejandro said holding your hand softly. " Alejandro it's not the first time she has judged me harshly for something as minor as this," you said with a sigh. " I know that and I want to change that. mi dulce " he said holding you close to him. " I want to also.. I just don't know how.." you said. " we will find out a way for heather to accept you. but for now, she doesn't have to. she is just missing out on being sisters with the most amazing. beautiful. and talented girl the world has ever seen." Alejandro said sweetly playing with your H/C hair. " thank you alejandro.. for standing up for me" you said softly. " its no problem at all mi amour. you have rights and I was just standing up for those rights. " he said with a smile. you hugged him closely. you were getting tired. " get ready for bed campers! tomorrow is gonna be a long and PAINFUL day!" Chris yelled through the speakers all through the plane. you yawned. alejandro picked you up and placed you into one of the cozy bunks and pulled you close to him. you both fell asleep in each other's arms. he made this season a whole lot better for you.

                             ( i know its long but Alejandro is one of my favorites and I wanted him to seem as real as possible and to make up for the short cody X reader chapter :p )

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