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( requested by OrlandoKate )

you were looking around the kitchen because chef was gone. " there is nothing i in the fridge! " you called out. " nothing in the cupboards either " zoey said. " we should check in the walk in freezer " a voice said. " hey. yeah! the walk in freezer! " lightning said. he started to run over to the freezer. he opened the door and ran in. " shabingo! meat! " lightning yelled happily. you and everyone else ran in with him. " guys dont you think its a little weird that cheff isint here but all this meat is and nothing was in the kitchen? " you questioned. just then the door closed. you were in a truck! " challange time suckers! " cheff cackled as he opened a small slide door to see into the truck. " this is highly unorthodox! " cameron cried out clinging to a piece of hanging meat for dear life. " where are you taking us! " zoey asked. " you will see. " cheff said with a evil chuckle. he closed the small sliding door and got his finger stuck. " you okay cheff? " you asked as he yelped. " im fine. " he said trying to play it off. he closed the door. you sighed and sat on the floor waiting to see where you were going. it was very cold in the truck. you started to shiver. " s-s-s so cold " you stuttered. jo groaned and took off her hoodie and handed it to you. " jo im okay you can have it " you said. jo groaned and pushed it towards you. " just take it you weakling. " she said turning her head away to hide the blush. you timidly took the hoodie and put it on. it smelled like her. you snuggled into it. the smell of jo was intoxicating to you. " thank you joe " you said softly with a warm smile. " whatever. " she said. after about 5 more minutes of driving suddenly the truck parked. and you all got dumped out the back of the truck into a pile. everyone groaned in pain from hitting the hard ground. there was a screen showing chris. " good. you are here. FINALLY. " chris said. you got off the ground and groaned. so did everyone else. you took off the hoodie and handed it to jo. she put it on without any words. " for this challenge you need to find a golden chris statue with your team color hidden somewhere in this abandoned mine. first team back wins the challenge. " chris said. " shadone and done! go team dude! " lightning yelled. you and jo groaned. " are you sha blind?! im not a- " she was cut off as a backpack was thrown at her making her slam into the ground. " jo! " you exclaimed. you offerd a hand and she swatted it away without a word. the got off the ground. " are you okay jo? " you asked. " yeah. " she said. " dont worry there are enough packs for everyone. " chris said. jo lifted the pack cheff has thrown at her. " are these filled with rocks or something? " she said feeling how heavy the pack was. cameron was struggling to lift his an inch off the ground. jo went to open the bag but chris interrupted her. " no peaking! those 50 pound bags are purely for your torment and my amusement. enjoy. " chris said smirking. you lifted your bag. cameron saw something attached to his pack. " chemical badges? why do we need to measure our exposure to toxic waste? " cameron asked alarmed. chris smirked and shrugged. " no reason. except I rented the mine out to store hazardous material. " chris said smirking his usual cocky smirk. " you've got to be kidding me. " you said " whoa whoa whoa are you demented?! " anne maria cried out. " no. that's why im in a studio. relax. it's perfectly safe. for 30 minutes. " chris said. " what happens in 30 minutes?! " you said alarmed. " as I was saying. " chris said glaring at you. " when your badge turns orange you have 15 minutes left. red is your 5 minute warning. and. if you see a skull and crossbones we will dedicate this episode to you! but there is no way that it will come to that. I sent dakota down there for 40 minutes. she is go ing to be fine! ish. " chris said. you gulped very nervously. " cant you at least give us a hint about where to find the statues so we arent there for to long? " you asked. " funny story. the statues have gone missing. someone or someTHING must have taken them. " chris said. " how do we even know if they are really down there then?. " you asked. " is it well lit down there? " brick asked nervously. " its a mine bro. pitch black " chris said. " there are flashlights and fireflies down there. first come first serve. " chris said. " anywho. times a wasting and so are your healthy blood cells. so GO! " chris yelled. you and jo ran in before anyone else along with brick and lightning. suddenly lightning yelled " we are first! SHABANG! " he yelled. suddenly rocks started to fall from the ceiling. you quickly pushed jo out of the way along with everyone else. the rocks fell and you all ran into the elevator. you closed the gate and suddenly. the wire to the elevator snapped. you screamed in fear. the elevator crashed to the floor with a very loud crash. you fell over and groaned. jo quickly helped you up and you all looked at the tunnel in front of you. " let's go! brick come on! " you called out to brick. he started to run with you all. you ran down the tunnel. there were two tunnels now. one has mine cart tracks and one looked.. like something has dug through it. " I think we should go with the mine cart tunnel. something dug this tunnel " you said. you walked over to the tunnel and saw claw marks on the walls of the tunnel. " there are claw marks. better we go this way " you said pointing to the tunnel with mine tracks. you jo brick and lightning went down the minecart tunnel. there were minecarts. you could hear the other team behind you. " minecarts! this will help us get further ahead then the other team " you said. " great idea Y/N " jo said. " it's too risky " brick said. " does it look like we really have a choice! I can hear the other team behind us! " you said. " lightning is not losing again! " lightning yelled. he grabbed brick and threw him into the minecart in the back. you and jo got in the front cart while lightning jumped into the back cart next to brick. suddenly you heard a " tick "  you looked down at your badge and saw that it turned orange. " we need to hurry! "  you said. you saw that brick lightning and jo's badges all turned orange. you picked up a rock that was holding the carts back up and tossed it to the side and pulled the lever. the carts started to go down the path. " uhh Y/N! jo! " brick cried out. you looked over and saw brick and lightning on another path. " what in the world?! " you yelled. suddenly lightning and brick's cart tracks ended and they screamed. brick screamed very high pitched and so did lightning. your cart started to go down and fell off the track. jo grabbed onto you and protected you from the crash. jo's back slammed into the ground. you groaned and so did jo. " oh my gosh jo are you okay?! " you cried out. you could hear lightning and bricks high pitches screams still. " yeah im okay. are you " she asked. you nodded. " im okay. we need to try to get back to brick and lightning. " you said. jo nodded. suddenly.. she looked a little shorter. and terrified. " what is it jo? " you asked slightly alarmed. " RUN!!! " she yelled pointing under you. you looked down and saw a giant mutant gopher. you jumped off its head and ran away from it with jo. you eventually lost the mutant gopher. you kept running to try and find lightning and brick. " haven't you noticed that brick has gotten large and in charge lately? he is going to try to get rid of you and me the second he has a chance. who knows! he could even be talking to brick to try and get us voted off this very moment! " jo said. " alright jo. so you want to make an alliance? with me? " you asked softly blushing. the blushed and nodded slightly. " I've got your back and you have mine got it? " she asked. you nodded. " by the way thanks for protecting me from the crash earlier and also letting me use your hoodie " you said smiling shyly. she crossed her arms and looked away. " I just didn't want you to get sick or hurt. " she said blushing. you honestly admired jo. she was stronge and tough and was very pretty to you. you kept going untell you saw a big tunnel. there were mutant gophers everywhere and lightning and brick were being held in place by gophers. jo was about to yell when yo u coverd her mouth " shhh. they look blind but they can still hear and smell us. we need to be careful and quiet. " you said. " looks like it's up to me to get us down " brick said. he flung off his boot making it land on the ground. the smell of dirty socks and something dead filled the room. the gophers screeched and let them fall to the floor " brick lightning jo come on! " you yelled. suddenly the speaker boomed. " quickly discard your bombs- i mean backpacks and RUN! " jo looked in her pack and saw a bomb. " to far mclean to far! " jo yelled. everyone threw off their packs.  brick and lightning ran over to you both and you saw the two statues sitting on pedestals. you ran over and grabbed your team's statue and saw the other team struggling with the Gophers. brick threw his boot over to mike and the gopher that was attacking mike screeched and ran off. they grabbed their statue and quickly started to get into another set of mine carts. brick got into the mine carts and your team left the mine first. you crashed into the ground and groaned. your team's statue landed in front of chris. " and it looks like the toxic rats win! " chris announced. " executing operation doomsday! " chris said pushing a button. there was an explosion in the mine and rocks collapsed in front of the came openings. " this wasn't about the statues! " mike said. " sure it was. and as an added bonus you just helped me ceal off the toxic waste forever! " chris said " and get the feds off my back! its win win. for me. " chris said. you helped jo up off the ground. " that is low mclean. even for you. " jo said. " yeah. I just keep getting better. "  chris said. " maggots. I hope you are hungry for marshmellows. but first. before there is any permanent genetic damage. " chris said. cheff walked over with a large hose and started to spray you all. after you all got back to the cabin. jo poked your shoulder. you looked over at her and she pointed over her shoulder to outside. you followed her outside. " Y/N next time we lose a challenge brick has to go. then after that we get rid of lightning. " jo said. you nodded " Y/N by the way. I wanted to tell you something. " jo said crossing her arms. " yeah jo? " you asked. suddenly jo grabbed you and pinned you to the wall. " j-jo what are you- " you were cut off as jo slammed her lips into yours. you squeaked in surprise. after a few seconds you realized what she was doing. kissing you. you kissed back timidly with a bright red blush. she pulled away. " if anyone finds out you are dead meat okay? " jo said blushing bright red. you were dazed from the rough yet enjoyable kiss and just nodded with a dazed look. " so I wanted to know. will you.. be my girlfriend? " she mumbled. you gulped and nodded. " uh huh " you squeaked out. butterflies going crazy in your stomach.  this was the best moment of your life. " let's go. " she said. you nodded and followed her back to the cabin. 

( wow its a really long chapter :o btw this was based off total drama revenge of the island episode 7! hope u liked it :3

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