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(requested by EeVee101 )

( btw I'm sorry I don't know anything about Australian accents at all this is all I can remember I'm sorry XD )

you were riding your bike home through the woods. you were taking your time. looking around the beautiful green woods. then.. something caught your eye. a bear... its eyes glued themselves to you. IT STARTED TO CHASE AFTER YOU! you started to go faster every now and then looking behind you. it started to catch up faster and faster! you went faster trying to get away. there was a large stick in the path! it knocked your bike over making you fall on to the ground you ended up injuring your arm and your leg in the impact as you hit the ground. the bear was a few feet away from you. it stood up tall. your eyes look up in horror. this was the end. it was about to swipe its claws at you. you closed your eyes quickly waiting for impact. you heard a hiss. you opened your eyes a saw a man in front of you. he quickly took off his backpack as the bear was going to swipe again. he threw his backpack to the bear and the bear lost interest in you and him. it started to try to rip up the backpack. he picked you up and slowly crept away from the bear trying not to make a sound not to get its attention again. he looked down and he saw that you had fainted from fear.

( later )

you let out a groan you tried to get up by pushing yourself on your arm. you let out a hiss of pain. " calm down there shila. you are mighty injured." a voice said. you looked beside you. you saw a guy in a vest with a brown fedora on. " are ya alright mate?" he asked. " y-yeah.. what happened... why can't I move my leg or my arm?" you asked. " well mate. you got attacked by a bear. if I haven't shown up when I did you would'a been a goner. you ended up twisting your ankle. your arm? you just pulled something. you should be fine.  so. im manitoba smith. what might your name be shila?" manitoba asked in his Australian accent. " i-its Y/N.. Y/N L/N thank you for saving me.." you said. you looked around. you were in a tent. " so.. where are we anyway?" you asked. " well shila you're in my campsite. your lucky that I saw you when I did. I was looking to wrestle some bears. I was listening for the roars. when I followed it I saw the bear but I needed to get ya out of there. " manitoba said. then you noticed something.. manitoba had taken the hit for you when the bear swiped at you. " your hurt.." you said placing your hand on his injury that he got from the bear swiping at him. he let out a soft hiss, " heh. it's alright shila. il be alright. " he said. " you saved my life.. thank you," you said with a sweet smile. manitoba blushed ever so slightly.

( two months later )  you had stayed with manitoba for about 2 months. he took care of you. it was nice to have someone to talk to. before you lived alone and worked at a convenience store to pay for the rent. considering you were only 16. you never liked your life style but it was all you had back then. you liked staying with manitoba. it was fun and there was always something to do. you got up and yawned. you stretched for a few minutes. " mornin shila" manitoba said. "I was thinkin about somethin mate. why are you still here? your healed now. so why stay with me? I'm not complaining. just wondering. " manitoba said. you blushed softly. you sorta.. ' liked' manitoba..     ( a/n :  if ya know what I'm saying *Wiggles eyebrows * ) "well.. I like it here.. its much more fun here then at home. i dont have as many worries. well. as long as your not fighting bears. plus.. i like spending time with you." you said. manitoba held your hand and smiled. "I like spending time with you to Y/N," manitoba said. that was the first time he said your name. ' he said my name...' you thought as you blush as manitoba held your hand. you looked away from him. " you alright Y/N?" manitoba asked. you turned back to him and saw that his nose was very close to yours. you blushed darker. " i-i-i-i I'm fine" you stuttered. manitoba started to notice the blush on your cheeks. he smiled.  " you are mighty cute when you blush mate," he said. you blushed. manitoba chuckled. with a sudden burst of courage you quickly moved over and was about to kiss his cheek he turned his head to face you and.. your lips made contact. you quickly pulled away. " IM SO SORRY MANITOBA I DIDNT MEAN TO-" you cried out and manitoba kissed you. you blushed darker.. so much was happening at the moment. " love ya Y/N" Manitoba said with a chuckle. you hid your face in his shirt. " i love you to mani" you said muffled by his shirt. he chuckled and hugged you. manitoba may be an idiot that trys to fight bears. but he is your idiot.

( i hope you like it EeVee  ^w^ )

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