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( song safe and sound Taylor swift video is not mine )

( requested by wolfchibi27 ) 

you were a singer. you were going to perform at a restaurant tonight.

( with Duncan Noah Trent and Geoff ) 

duncan had convinced Noah to go out on a night with the buys. " dude this is going to be so rad! I heard there is going to be a singer performing tonight! " Geoff exclaimed. " really? " Noah said. " yeah! I've heard nothing but good about her a lot of people say she is pretty skilled with a guitar. " Trent said. " and I heard she is a total babe. " Duncan said with a smirk. " let's just hurry and go. I have stuff to do later tonight. " Noah said. " you mean reading and being a nerd? " Geoff laughed. " dude lay off reading isint a bad habit to have. " Trent said taking Noah's side. " thanks Trent " Noah said. " no problem dude. let's go the show is gonna start soon " Trent said. they all left to go to the restaurant. 

( with you ) 

you were in your dressing room getting ready. you had your hair down with an F/C flower in your hair. you had a simple dress that was F/C and matched the flower. you also had flats on that matched the outfit. the dress was nothing special. you had very light makeup. maybe a little eyeliner and mascara and a bit of lip gloss. your hair looked perfect with the dress. you also had a simple necklace. " miss Y/N your on in 5 minutes " the stage manager said. you smiled " thanks il be done by then. " you said with a smile. you picked up your guitar making sure it was tuned for your song. you tested out some cords. they were perfect. you sighed and took your guitar and walked out onto the stage and sat on a stool placed in the middle of the stage. the lights turned on and landed on you. everyone's heads turned towards the stage. you started to sing. 

(play the link at the top of this chapter )

"  I remember tears streaming down your face When I said, I'll never let you go When all those shadows almost killed your light I remember you said, don't leave me here alone But all that's dead and gone and passed tonight " 

noah's eyes darted to you. you were absolutely beautiful. 

" Just close your eyes The sun is going down You'll be alright No one can hurt you now Come morning light You and I'll be safe and sound "

your sweet voice filled the room. everyone in the restaurant relaxed. even the staff looked relaxed. the soft melody even attracted people outside of the restaurant to take a look your voice was so soft yet had so much control. it was like listening to a siren. it was like everyone was under a spell of some sort. 

" Don't you dare look out your window Darling, everything's on fire The war outside our door keeps raging on Hold onto this lullaby Even when the music's gone Gone " 

noah was completely dumbfounded by how beautiful you were and how amazing your voice was.

" Just close your eyes The sun is going down You'll be alright No one can hurt you now Come morning light You and I'll be safe and sound "

with each strum of the guitar and each and every word it was even more and more beautiful the more everyone listened. 

" Just close your eyes You'll be alright Come morning light, You and I'll be safe... and sound... "

you finished the song and smiled. everyone was so amazed by your voice. " i hope everyone liked it " you said happily. everyone stayed quiet before everyone clapped. " that was safe and sound by Taylor Swift sang by Y/N L/N! " a voice from the speakers said. you bowed slightly and got off stage and went back to your dressing room. you had butterfly's in your stomach. 

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