mal and mike ( brothers )

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( request from jadeochnio )

( this is gonna be a long one guys! thank you for the idea Jazmine )

( this story is going to be a bit different than usual. you are a princess. mal is an evil wizard and mike is a knight. they are brothers.

your father. the king has called the knight by the name is mike to his throne. you sat next to him in your throne. mike bowed down at the bottom of the stairs to the king and you. the princess. " your highness how may I serve you?" mike asked looking up at the king. " rise. you do not need to bow. I wanted to give you a gift. you have served me and our great kingdom since your father passed. and in return for your service, you will marry my daughter. " your father stated. mike's eyes widened. he rose in front of the king. " you have served this kingdom better than most of my knights. maybe even your father " the king said. mike smiled softly thinking of his father. " thank you my king. " mike said with respect to your father.he left the throne room. you were in your room and got dressed to go on a walk around the woods. you left your room and walked down the stairs and left the castle and made your way into the woods. you heard rustling and hid behind a tree. there was a wall of vines covering a large cave. you saw someone peek their head out and pull the vines apart and look around to make sure no one was there. you cautiously took out an arrow and readied to fire it as you leaned against the tree for balance as your bow pointed downward suddenly you adjusted your foot. and a branch under it.. snap. shit. you let out a soft gasp as the snap got the attention of the figure. his eyes shot to your direction. " who are you? show yourself " he called.  you looked over at him. how that you could see him in the sunbeams between the leaves of the trees you could see him. he wasn't one of the monsters that roamed this forest.  " who are you?" he asked again. " my name is Y/N L/N " you said stepping out from behind the tree. he bowed to you realizing you were the princess. you were dressed differently so originally he didn't recognize you. ( pick one of the outfits from the top of the chapter the one you choose is your adventuring outfit. btw not my art :3 ) you dressed a bit different so you could adventure easier. dresses aren't exactly easy to move around in. " I am sorry your highness for my rudeness. " he said. he was faking the respect. after all, he didn't want his head to get chopped off. " its okay please rise. please. just call me Y/N when I'm out of that old castle I want people to address me as Y/N so please " you said with a sweet smile at the stranger. " my name is mal alias. " he said. you smiled. " it is nice to meet you mal " you said with a smile. you saw he had a bag. you wondered what was in the bag. " what are you doing out here?" mal asked you.  " I come out here often honestly I'm surprised I haven't seen you here before, " you said. "I have seen you before. i just never recodnized you " mal said. you sat down on the moss that sat on the ground next to mal. " wait.. so those times I heard rustling in the bushes?" you said. he nodded. "I didn't know if you were dangerous so I stayed away. since you had those. " he said pointing to the bow and quiver( a quiver is those bags used to hold arrows like in the picture at the top of the chapter ) you had that was full of arrows. you realized you still had your bow and arrow out. you put your bow back it hung from the quiver. " there. sorry I forgot I had those out. you cant be to careful when it comes to life out here. " you said. " being a wizard is not easy. I have to get ingredients for potions and a lot of them are hard to get. once I had to steal something very rare from a minotaur village and that thing was heavily guarded. " mal said. " what was it?" you asked. " a phoenix egg. they feathers are used for rare potions. he doesn't only give me the feathers but he is also my companion. " mal said. he liked talking to you so far. " so what were you doing in the cave?" you asked. " oh.. uhh... il tell you about that some other time. i need to get back to work. how about we meet again soon? this very spot " mal said. by now you guys had gotten up and walked around the forest a bit. you nodded happily. " tomorrow, " you said. he nodded and walked away. you walked back into the forest hoping across stones that sat in a stream to get across. the trickling crystal blue water moved through the stream. you smiled and sighed happily. a few days later you got ready to go out and see mal. you visited him alot. it turns out you both had the same interests. you opened your door and slammed into mike's armor. you groaned " s-sorry princess Y/N " mike said. he pulled you off the ground and onto your feet. " why are you dressed like that?" he asked. " I'm going out on a.. walk. " you said. " why do you have a bow and a  quiver? " he asked confused. " did you expect me to go out there without protection?" you asked. "I could just send some of my guards with you.. o-or better I could go with you " he said. you shook your head. " I can take care of myself mike. don't worry about me.  " you said. " as a knight of the king I need to make sure you are safe and secure at all times- " you cut mike off as you ran out the door of your room " bye mike!" you yelled as you raced out of the castle. you hopped off a large tree root as you walked through the woods to your meeting spot. you hummed as you skipped across the stones on the stream. you waved as you spotted mal. " hey mal!" you called with a while. you were so nice that alot of the time mal forgets your a princess. " hey Y/N " he said with a smile. " i wanted to show you something " he said with a smile. " hm?" you hummed. his arm came out from behind his back showing a young Phoenix. you gasped " is that really what I think it is?" you asked in surprise as the beautiful firebird spread its wings. " I named him fenice. italian for Phoenix. I'm not really good at coming up with names " mal said with a nervous laugh. you smiled and pet the fire bird's head. it cooed in happiness. you smiled at the beautiful bird. " I've never seen one up close before.. sure every few years you see one with someone but to see one up close is a new experience. " you said with awe. mal smiled warmly seeing you so happy. as weeks went on you fell in love with mal. mal of course, accepts your feelings. all seemed happily ever after untell one day..

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