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( ive been wanting to do this one for a while! hope u like it this one will be a bit long i hope you don't mind! in this story you are what is known as a lamia! half snake half human :3 this is a AU if u havent noticed just like the mal X reader where he was a wizard and u were a princess :p i hope u like this one! ive been wanting to write this one for weeks! :3 )

( manitoba's POV )

I was in a forest near a village searching for adventure. I didn't watch where I was going and I was climbing up a steep hill. the ground sunk under me and I went tumbling down to the ground. I let out a loud groan of pain. everything started going black. was this the end? I had no idea. 

( to you )

you were a lamia. part snake part human. the bottom half snake and the top was human. you were in the forest getting wood for a fire since you were cold blooded and needed heat to keep you warm. it was the middle of the night. you heard groaning. you slithered over and saw.. a human? why was a human here? humans never went near your cave let alone in your forest.. you looked at him and saw that he was injured. his arm was bleeding and a large gash was on his leg. there was also a gash along his stomach from scratching against a sharp rock along with scratches and cuts all over. he must have fallen from the hill. you quietly slithered over to him. he had a dagger attached to his belt. you carefully took it and hid it in a bush. of course, you weren't going to take a human into your cave and let him have weapons in case he wasn't very friendly. you gently picked him up along with his fedora. you took him to your cave. you gently layed him on a makeshift bed. you went over to a table. there were cabinets full of jars of herbs of all types. some were hard to come by in the forest where your cave was. there was a mortar and pestle sitting on the table. you slithered over to the person you had taken into your cave. you looked at his injuries and made sure nothing was broken or fractured. you noted in your mind what herbs you would need to help him heal. you slithered back over to the table and reached and grabbed the jars of herbs. pulling some of the herbs out of the jars and putting them into a pile in the morter. you grabbed a container and slithered out to a stream that was only just outside your cave. you filled the container with the water in the stream. you put the container down on the table. you looked at the person you invited in. you better start a fire to keep him warm. you started to build a fire and lit the fire. soft crackling throughout the cave. you gently picked the injured male and put him beside the fire. you made sure he was a safe distance away from the fire. you went back over to the table. you poured a little bit of the water on top of the herbs. and started to crush the herbs into a paste consistency. you heard a soft groan. you turned and saw that he had awoken. you had used a cup with two holes in the top and poured the water into it. the water started to boil. you then carefully took it off the fire and went back outside and held the cup in the water but not all the way just enough to cool it down. you went back into the cave. a warm glow bounced off the walls due to the fire. you saw that the male started to awake.

( manitoba's POV )

I finally woke up. where was I? I looked around a bit. I was in a cave. suddenly a smooth voice rang in my ears. " im glad to see you have awoken. " a sweet voice said. I turned and.. saw a creature. was she what the villagers were talking about? the evil creature in the forest? I went to grab my dagger but it wasn't there. I looked at the creature again. "w-where am I? " I said. I cursed myself for stuttering. " you are in my cave. what is your name traviler? " she asked.  " traviler? " I questioned. " you must not be from around here. after all.. no one ever comes around this forest. after all the villagers just outside my forest are very vocal about me being a child kidnapping monster. " she said sadly. her E/C eyes met mine. " I need to dress your wounds. " she said. I was on edge a little. I just woke up and saw this.. creature and I have no idea where I am right now. who wouldn't? I reluctantly gave in. I nodded to her. " im  Y/N " she finally said. Y/N. huh. pretty name " my name is manitoba smith. " I said. " manitoba smith. it suits you. " she said. I let her start to put the strange paste on my wounds and began to wrap them.

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