mal ( death note )

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                                               ( request by jadeochnio ) ( SORRY IF I SPELLED YOUR NAME WRONG )

your name is Y/N. you were a 16 year old girl.  you were friends with a boy named Mal. he was 16 also. one day you were walking to school. you saw a book on the ground. " huh? what is this book?" you said as you picked it up. it said 'death note' you looked around. no one was there. " il take it. il ask around the school for who owns it later. but for now, i need to get to class." you said. you continued on with the day. you asked around showing people the book. no one knew who owned it. you stared at it as you sat at a table at lunch. you then opened it. the first page said "The human whose name is written in this note shall die. This note will not take effect unless the writer has the person's face in their mind when writing his/her name. ... If the cause of death is written within the next 40 seconds of writing the person's name, it will happen. if the cause of death is not specified the person will simply die of a heart attack. after writing the cause of death details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds." you raised an eyebrow. there is no way this is real. is it? you closed it. you put it in your bag. mal went over to your table. " hey Y/N" he said. " hey mal" you said. "I found something in the schoolyard. come over to my house tonight" you said. he nodded. the day went like usual. 

( le time skip! ) you heard a knock on the door. you went to the door and opened it. " this better be important" Mal said as he rolled his eyes. " I don't know yet," you said. you invited mal in. you sat on the couch. " so what is it?" he asked putting his feet on the coffee table. you reached into your bag and held the death note. " death note huh? what is it?" he asked. "I have no idea..." you said. mal took it out of your hands and opened it. he read the first line of instructions on the death note. " this is odd.. should we try it out? its worth a shot to see if its real. if it was real and we threw it out it would be a waste." Mal said. " yeah. we should play it safe and try a criminal." you said. " mhm." Mal said. you turned on the news. " today a murderer of the name Jason milord was arrested for murdering 3 children and 2 adults." the guy on the news said. it showed a picture of his face. you picked up a pen from the table. you kept the male's photo in mind as you wrote down his name. ' Jason milord ' you put the pen down. " ok so all we have to do is wait" you said. " what will happen if this thing is real?" mal asked. "I don't know," you said. you kept watching the news. a few minutes later the news reporter put his hand to his ear. " wait I'm getting something here. it seems that Jason milord has just had a heart attack! we have Karin on the scene!" he said. the screen passed to a newswoman named Karin. " just a few minutes ago murderer Jason milord was found dead. he ended up having a heart attack. we have no idea what caused the heart attack. back to you Lorin." she said. the screen went back to Lorin. " thank you, Karin. on with our usual news." Lorin said going on with the weather and everything. you sat there with your eyes wide. " s-so this thing is real?.." you whispered. mal looked down at the death note. " i guess so.. what will we do with it?.." mal said " you can do whatever you want with it" a guy said. your eyes widened. you screamed and fell off the couch. " WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU?!" you yelled. the male grabbed an apple from the basket of apples you had on your coffee table. " im ryuk. I'm a shinigami. " he said, " a shinigami?" mal asked. he didn't seem that surprised for some reason. " yeah." ryuk said. " why are you here and what do you want with us?" you asked. "I should be asking you that question sorta. you see the death note belongs to me. but now it belongs to you technically. I get it back after 1 you die or 2 the death note is finished." ryuk said. " well it depends on what Y/N wants to do with it. she can even destroy it if she wants." Mal said. " no one asked you," ryuk said. mal rolled his eyes. you thought for a moment. you smirked darkly. " I and mal can be this worlds new god.. with the death note," you said. " wait.. me and you?" he asked blushing. you grabbed his shirt and kissed him. " that is. if you want to" you said with a smirk. mal blunk. mal smirked darkly " of course," Mal said with a smirk. from then on you and mal ruled the world.

                                                     ( IM SORRY THE END IS SO FAST ITS REALLY LATE )

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