Chapter One

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Dear Princess Adelaide,

We cordially welcome you to Disney Academy, the best academic establishment available.

Here we offer royals, commoners, the good and the bad an opportunity to better themselves in a secure and protected environment. There is a wide range of subjects available including the core subjects, English, Maths and Science taught by specialists with knowledge spanning decades.

We look forward to you joining our students at the academy.

Yours sincerely,

Head Master                                      
Head Mistress                                      
Deputy Head

Micky Mouse                                     
Minnie Mouse                                    
Captain J. Hook

Adelaide stared at the piece of paper, before turning on her father.
"You cannot be serious! Why would I want to go there of all places?" She all but yelled, her father slipped his tea and his eyes glanced up at his daughter's teal eyes.
"Adelaide, I believe this school will be good for you. You are in line to the throne. I expect you to behave better than you do. I will be hoping this school encourages you to better yourself and prepare you for a life on the throne." He said, Adelaide folded her arms across her chest her sparkling white nails shimmering in the light, floating in from the windows.
"I have no say in this?" She asked, her father stood up and glided across the room.
"It's all been arranged. The car should be arriving shortly to take you to Disney Academy immediately." He turned his green eyes to his daughter, her eyes widened in shock before she stamped her foot against the marble floor and headed to her room, she slammed her door shut behind her and the tears welled up in her eyes.

She stayed still before hurrying around her room and packing her suitcases. She pushed her blonde hair behind her ear as she fastened the last of her bags. She headed out the door and took one last look at her room, which she knew she wouldn't be seeing for a while. Her eyes drifted to the picture on her bed side table, and a single tear trickled down her cheek.
"Goodbye mother." She whispered before shutting the door and heading down the long corridor before heading to the front yard. The driver bowed and took her suitcases, and she looked up at the castle, her eyes met her father's stare by the library. She clenched her fists and headed to open the door but stopped when she heard yelling and cries of goodbye's behind her. She turned and standing on the steps, leading to the castle, stood her siblings, she gave them a small wave before getting into the car. The driver shut the door behind her and got in to the driver's seat. He drove off and Adelaide looked back, wishing to never see that castle again as it disappeared into the distance.

Coral Hook, the sole daughter of Captain Hook, the Deputy head of Disney Academy. Coral, the daughter of evil. Her chocolate eyes stared at her two companions as they caused trouble in the corridors of Disney Academy. Coral pursed her lips together, she was the most feared student at the school, it was her reputation after all.
"Get out of the way loser! You shouldn't be walking in our way!" Drizella cackled as she pushed into a smaller black-haired girl, causing her books to topple to the floor.
"Yeah, watch it! Unless you wanna get hurt." Anastasia brayed as she kicked the girl's books further away. The black-haired girl glanced up, her eyes reddening as she held back her tears. Her pale white skin somehow shimmering in the dimly lit corridor.
"I'm so sorry..." The girl said, Anastasia folded her arms,
"you will be sorry, won't she Coral?"
Coral's head snapped up, she had been day dreaming.
"What?" She muttered, Anastasia and Drizella whined in unison, as Coral stepped next to the two, tall, step sisters of Cinderella. The black-haired girl stared up at Coral's eyes and Coral raised an eyebrow.
"oh... right move it Snow." She said before gracefully stepping over the scattered books and headed down the corridor as fast as she could. The two-sister's let out a startled cry as they watched Coral disappear around the corner.
"That's not what we meant Coral!" Drizella yelled, she tugged on her sister's arm. "Come on!" She said, Anastasia nodded, leaving Snow to breathe a sigh of relief.

She placed her hand on her chest grateful she didn't get hurt. She lowered her hand and began to pick up her books until she saw a hand in front of her.
"Here, let me help you."
Snow looked up to meet a pale of blazing blue eyes and shimmering white hair. He stared at her blankly until she nodded quickly.
"Why thank you so much." Her voice light and prim, he pulled her up and turned to collect a few of the books.
"What was that about?" He asked, Snow looked at him a frown gracing her delicate pale features.
"Oh... those are the... they're the baddies of Disney Academy. I'm Snow White by the way, thank you again for helping me." She curtsied to the boy with white hair and he nodded his head slightly, before giving her back her books.
"I'm Jack, Jack Frost, transferred from Dream Works as of this morning."
Snow White smiled kindly, until footsteps could be heard running up the corridor.
"Snow!" Two students stopped in front of Snow White and Jack Frost. "Are you okay? We saw Coral, Anastasia and Drizella and you hadn't shown up to class we thought something had happened!" A male said worry in his voice, his eyes drifted to the boy next to Snow. "Who's this?"
"Oh, this is Jack Frost he's new here and I'm okay nothing to worry about." Snow said smiling happily, the tall blonde bowed politely.
"Hello I'm Aurora." She said smiling at Jack who nodded, the male extended his hand.
"I'm Prince Florian." He said Jack Frost took his hand and gave an amused smile.

Coral rested her head back against the hallway, she had given 'Tweedle-Dee and Tweedle-Dumb' the slip and had returned to check on Snow White, only to find her with a new student and Aurora and Florian. She sighed and pressed her hands back against the wall as she heard the bell go.
"We'll show you around! Come on, we can't be late for class." Aurora declared as the four of them headed down the corridor. Coral closed her eyes and once she couldn't hear anyone she stepped into the corridor and began walking down it, she hated that no one wanted to be her friend, she hated keeping up appearances. She ran her hand along the wall and stopped at the poster, she glared at the happily ever after picture and ripped it of the wall. 
"Miss Hook! I wish I could say I'm surprised but I'm really not."
Coral flinched and turned around and glanced up at a pasty pale older man.
"Ah Judge Frollo, how are you this fine day?" She bowed pushing her pirate coat out to the side. Judge Frollo rolled his eyes and clasped his hands in front of him.
"Miss Hook, please desist with the formalities, this is the sixteenth time this week I have had the misfortune of seeing you outside your lessons and it is only Tuesday." He drawled, Coral raised an eyebrow.
"Clearly I'm not working hard enough if it's only been sixteen times." She muttered sarcastically.
"Once again I expect to see you in detention." He handed her a slip and she took it.
"Get to class." Coral turned on her heels and headed to the library where she could have piece and quite before having to go to detention.

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