Chapter 48

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Author's note: Next chapter!

"Facilier? ...Facilier?" Fa Su frowned at his attendee book. The class glanced around quickly. "Hans where is he this time?"
Hans rested his cheek on his palm.
"I swear this time, he said he was coming to lesson." He answered, Adelaide rolled her eyes before looking back down at her math's text book. Fa Su sighed and continued reading the attendance book, mumbling to himself about how unacceptable the lack of attendance of the villains was. The students began to pull out their textbooks and notebooks ready to start their lesson.
"Right let's start the lesson, now that everyone who is coming is here." Fa Su said sarcastically, the class mumbled "please turn to page 126..."

"It's very quiet in here for once." Elsa said.
"Yeah we can actually learn. I mean there are still villains here but without their boss's; Facilier and Gaston they're not too bad at all." Kida replied flicking through her note book.
"Come to think of it, where is Gaston?" Elsa asked Kida, the female looked up from her books and scanned around the class looking at all the absent students.
"Dunno, probably off with some girls while Coral is out."
"Yeah I guess..."
A fluttering sound came from behind the girls.
"Whatcha talking 'bout girls?" Tooth cheeped at them.
"Oh my, you frightened me!" Elsa jumped a little out of her seat before turning around to face the fairy. Kida let out a small giggle before also turning to the colorful fairy.
"We were just wondering where Gaston was." Kida said matter-of-factly.
"Ohhh a mystery!?!" Tooth's wings flapped speedily, the two white haired beauties smiled at Tooth until a voice interrupted them.
"Hey girls, I couldn't help but hear you nattering about Gaston, he said he'd also be in lesson, I don't know why he isn't." Hans butted in, leaning back on his seat.
"I don't even care, he's no good for Coral." Adelaide said gloomily not even looking up from her book. An awkward silence followed. A moment later Elsa, pushed her hair behind her ear and broke the silence.
"Erm... okay Adelaide, we love you too, and this isn't your conversation Hans!"
"Aww don't be like that, I'm just as intrigued of his whereabouts as you are." At that point a messenger knocked once and entered without permission, running towards Fa Su. He whispered in Fa Su's ear and ran out again. A look of relief and horror climbed across Fa Su's face.
"What's happened sir?" Esmeralda called out, but everyone was thinking it.
"I- I, erm... Coral's been discharged from the medical wing." Fa Su replied, his expression unchanging. Suddenly everyone jumped out of their seats and ran to the door, talking and gossiping at the latest development, no later than a week since she awoke has she finally been freed from her bed. Some students were thrilled about the news of Coral however others were terrified that the villains would be back to their usual ways once she returned. Fa Su broke out of his trance.
"Do exercises 11B for homework please!" He knew, however, that not one was listening. He turned back to gather up his papers and noticed one girl had not moved and was sulking in her chair.
"Aurora? Why...? What's wrong?"
Aurora just grunted.
"Aurora!" Fa Su said in disgust. "Princesses do not grunt!"
She grunted again, Fa Su glared at her then strolled out the room and left her sulking to herself.

As for the other students they walked along the corridors talking to one another spreading the word that Coral had been discharged, many looking to see where she would be as of this moment. Adelaide placed her math's books in her locker and sighed before heading over to Elsa's locker where Elsa and Kida were standing. Hans watched Adelaide and the others as they talked quietly to one another.
"She's finally out!" Kida said.
"That's good for her." Adelaide whispered, Elsa stared at her before grabbing her arm and pulling her to English their English class.
"Come on."

Coral shot up screaming. Facilier ran into the room and moved closer to Coral.
"Coral what's wrong?" He asked, she was breathing heavily and gripping the covers tightly, her eyes were wide and she couldn't see clearly, Facilier stared down at Coral before sitting on the edge of the bed and slowly wrapping his arms around her pulling her against his chest, he rested his chin on her forehead and hushed her.
"It's alright Coral." He stroked her hair, as she continued to sweat and shiver in fear. He didn't look down at her, he just waited, Coral shifted in his arms.
"Fal? Why are you here?" Coral said shakily, Facilier pulled back from her a little and she looked at him waiting for his response.
"You are a friend, and I haven't visited you yet. So I thought I should." She raised an eyebrow "more I wanted to. I hear on the wind Hans has spent a lot of time with you." She crossed her legs under the covers and moved away from Facilier.
"Yeah I guess he has. A lot of people have visited me. Including princesses, princes and teachers." Facilier nodded and raised her chin up.
"He hasn't has he?"
"No." Her mind travelled to Gaston before she ground her teeth together and clenched at the covers, Facilier watched her carefully.
"He's missing out." He teased, she scoffed and he laughed at her response, he leant forward and ruffled her hair. "Want to see some magic?" She shrugged and he leant against the wall pulling her against him, he raised his hand and the lights flickered off and the room was engulfed in darkness for a moment. Coral tensed against him and he smirked, he turned his hand over and it glowed a purplish pink colour. Coral watched his hand as the magic spiraled up and turned into fireworks parading around the room, Coral leant forward a little as the purple magic turned into butterflies and fluttered past her. Facilier watched and clicked his fingers, the colours turned red and blue. The blue turned to roman numerals causing Coral to frown, Facilier's eyes travelled to her and he turned his wrist over, causing the red to spark from his finger. Emerging in front of them was a selection of voodoo masks Coral's eye lids fluttered shut and opened quickly as the masks moved around the room spinning faster. Coral whined and placed a hand on her head, Facilier tapped her shoulder.
"It's alright Coral."  The magic grew brighter and Coral raised her head and her own eyes changed colour, the golden lights began to flicker green, blue, red and violet. The voodoo masks dispersed and images of people she knew, flashed in front of the pair, intrigued by this Coral didn't notice the darkened features of Facilier and his eyes watching her intently. Her hand reached forward and suddenly the door burst open.

Mother Gothel walked into class looking tired and dark. Elsa handed out the books the class were currently studying as Mother Gothel took her seat groaning loudly. Adelaide raised an eyebrow at her before tilting her head to the side to stare at Rapunzel.
"What's the matter with you all?" Mother Gothel questioned as she glared over her students who were sat in silence staring into space. "Well?" She tried again but to no avail. "Fine I don't care." She turned to the board and picked up the board marker. "Today you're going to start re-writing your story, the curriculum states to get an A in this project you actually need to dramatically change your story. So princesses may not necessarily get their prince, Villains can become the Heroes." A few snorts of laughter flew from Kristoff, Flynn and Aladdin.
"Mr Bjorgman, Mr Rider, Mr Ababa If you have something to say by all means let us all know." When none answered Gothel smirked. "That's what I thought... now if I can continue... you all have a copy of your original story on your desk if your story was originally written in a different language you'll have the translation beside it. Now before you start re-writing in your books please take your time to read the story highlight what you want to change then make a plan because I really don't want to sit grading hundreds of badly written stories. Now begin." Gothel stated as she flopped down into her seat her fingers pressed against her temples trying to stifle a migraine.
Adelaide looked down at her desk and picked up the German version of her story and scanned through it and sighed.
"Well." She thought. "That can go, so can this and that... and I am not giving that poor old soldier the sleeping draught." She reached the last page. "On second thoughts maybe I should just kill the soldier so I don't have to marry him." Her eyes lit up at the thought, the talisman around her wrist began to glow as it pulled at the darkness within her.

Aurora shifted in the seat her pink dress rustling softly as she crossed her legs. She glanced around the room not surprised to see the majority of princesses floundering around with their stories but Aurora already knew what she would change. She had always hated the fact that she would forever be known as the Sleeping Beauty the maiden who slept for a hundred years and waited for her prince. She loved Phillip of course she did but she always felt like she was weak, that she couldn't stand up for herself and in some ways she supposed that was true. Maybe that's why she acted so horribly to Coral. Aurora froze for a moment before she shook her head softly.
"No I acted like that to Coral because she deserved it." And with that the princess began to diligently work on changing her story. The hour past quickly once the students had gotten into the task at hand and when the bell rang signaling the end of the lesson they all left chatting to each other happily. Aurora sighed gently as she brushed a stray strand of her hair behind her ear.
"Aurora." Snow called over to the princess.
"Hello Snow, Cinderella, Belle." The three gave her a toothy grin as they circled around her.
"You know sweetheart we totally agree with what you said to Coral." Snow spoke softly her hand resting on her shoulder, Aurora raised an eyebrow.
"You do? I thought Ariel had turned everyone against me."
Cinderella shook her head.
"Oh no dear that's just not true."
Aurora turned to look at her blonde friend.
"Ariel is just being silly. You know what she gets like when she feels like she's doing something honourable." Belle smiled as she brushed off some imaginary dust she saw on her apron.
"I suppose you're right."
"Of course we are, now stop thinking you've done something wrong and join us in the canteen for a drink." Snow smiled brightly a sickly giggle leaving her lips.
"That sounds lovely thank you." Aurora began walking off, the three shadows behind her smirking darkly as their lips curled up into a sneer.

Winter here!
Thanks for reading!

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