Chapter 39

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Author's note: Enjoy!

Mickey and Minnie looked over the table of students, Adelaide, Jack, Merida, Elsa, Flynn, Ariel and Aurora sat on one side of the long desk whist Hans, Facilier, Gaston, Anastasia and Vanessa sat opposite.
"Let me just say thank you to the staff who agreed to be present during this meeting." Mickey smiled over at the teachers.
"Now then first off let me address the fact that although Coral is still in a coma I expect you all to act properly." Mickey glared at Hans quickly before looking at each student in turn. "Do you understand?" The students nodded silently. "Good now then..." Mickey sat in his seat next to Minnie. "Does anyone want to talk about what has been going on in the last few days then?"  Everyone stayed silent.  "In that case, Vanessa can you tell me why Helga has had to be locked in her room once again?"
"It's who we are." She shrugged before she noticed the blank expression on the others face's looking at Vanessa "I mean you expect her to behave in a manner fitting a villain don't you?" She began fiddling with the conch shell which hung around her neck.
"I suppose we do but she has become increasingly more violent over the course of her time here." Queen Elinor stated as she read her notes from the Blue Fairy. "The latest incident was in Drama with the Blue Fairy...  She has said that Helga lunged for Toothiana and that Hans was kicked in the stomach."
"Wow Hans you seem to always get beaten up by the ladies." Hans glared at Flynn.
"No one asked your opinion Rider. As for Helga she doesn't do it on purpose she likes attention or rather likes Coral's attention and since she's not around she's lashing out. It's a pity she doesn't lash out on you." Hans retorted causing Flynn to roll his eyes, as Adelaide began to slowly sink in her seat. The teachers glanced from one student to the other.
"Oh please Helga only seems to pick on Tooth!"
Hans and Gaston began to laugh before Facilier spoke up.
"If pretty boy over there hadn't brought Tooth here Helga wouldn't be-"
Jack frowned at his roommate.
"Hey! Leave me out of it."
"Come on boys Tooth didn't do anything..." Anastasia muttered.
"Oh be quiet Pinkie!" Flynn yelled. Hans stood up slamming both hands on the table and leaning over towards the thief. 
"Leave her alone." He said, Facilier smirked, his magic floating around the floor, growing darker and surrounding the boys. Adelaide and the girls were blinking completely confused, Elsa leant over.
"Why are the boys getting so worked up...?"
"Beats me."
Mickey sat watching the scene unfurl as Minnie folded her hands neatly in front of her, both unaware of the shadows growing underneath the students.
"Ohh I'm starting to want you to make me!"
"Enough!" Vanessa slammed her hand on the table "Hans! Facilier! Gaston! Sit down now! We're here for Coral!"
The boys all dropped their jaws and stared at the brunette who had her eyes shut and a scowl across her face. Merida flicked her hair over her shoulder,
"Lads I suggest you do too. We don't need any more disruptions. Sorry King Mickey."
Mickey just nodded his head at Merida hoping they would continue. It may not be the most orthodox method but if having them argue got them talking he would grin and bare it.
"I know this is probably going to make everyone a lot angrier but..." The students turned to look at Ariel. "If everyone is so worried about Coral why is Gaston flirting with Paula..."
Gaston slammed his palm down on the table causing it to shake under his force. 
"Who invited this freak here?!" He roared causing Ariel to flinch. Mickey bit his lip and waited for the yelling to begin. "And I have done no such thing!"
It was Jack Frost's turn to laugh. 
"Oh really? You haven't tried that since Coral's-" Gaston shoved his chair back and it clattered to the ground "Come on Frost say it I dare you."
Jack Frost stood up and glared at Gaston as Facilier smirked trying his best not to laugh.
"Jack please stop it..." Adelaide whispered, Jack ignored her, the other teachers and students were staring intently at the pair.
"This is a lot more interesting than teaching lessons." Pitch muttered to Jafar, who nodded in agreement. Gaston smirked.
"You have nothing on me Ariel and you really should remember your place, you aren't safe outside this room." "Don't you dare threaten my daughter!" King Triton boomed causing Gaston to turn his head so he was no longer looking at Jack Frost.
"Oh right, daddy's here." He muttered as he turned back to Jack Frost "Go on say something about Coral."
"She is not yours. You haven't cared about her since her accident!" Jack Frost yelled, Gaston laughed and lunged over the table tackling Jack to the ground gripping his jacket's collar tightly.
"Why don't you get it through your thick snow clouded head, she will never be yours!" Gaston's eyes flashed red with anger and Jack Frost frowned. "I own her!" He sneered as the girls screamed when a loud bang went off, the two pirates stood there with their guns pointing in the air smoke streaming from the barrels. Facilier and Hans stood up and pulled at Gaston's arms.
"For goodness sake children sit your butts back on those chairs or so help me..." Hook slipped his gun back in his holster as he watched Sparrow reload his with gun powder. Mickey sighed bitterly as he stared at Minnie.
"I'm going to have to get the ceiling re-plastered." Mickey complained, his wife shook her head in silent laughter.  Hans and Facilier had finally managed to coerce Gaston back into his chair whilst Jack sat up rubbing at his neck.
"Are you alright Jack?" Elsa asked as she checked his neck for marks.
"I'm fine Elsa." He huffed as he sat in his own chair. The shadows in the room had begun to grow and the darkness in Jack was pulling everyone into their own fears, Facilier was impressed at how easily his friends on the other side could manipulate Gaston to their will, now all he needed was something to tip him that little bit further.
"You know Hook why on earth did you arrange who Coral would date? It's just as bad as an arranged marriage..." Facilier murmured, Sparrow quickly glanced down at Adelaide who was shuffling uncomfortably in her seat.
"Sorry sweetheart." He tipped his hat in apology but before Hook or Gaston could respond Hans cut in.
"What did happen to Proteus anyway?"
"It is none of your business!" Adelaide yelled at Hans not wanting to remember her deal with Rothbart.
"I wasn't asking you princess..." Hans looked over her with a curious expression. "Although why do you seem so twitchy about it?"
Elsa stood up.
"She already told you none of your business."
"Elsa, Elsa, Elsa, What right do you have to speak about it? You don't even know what marriage and love is." Hans hissed, Elsa pursed her lips together and Merida let out a un-lady like snort. Jafar leant over to Pitch.
"Wow, shots fired."
Pitch nodded listening back in.
"Oh shut it Hans like you know what love is."
"Oh and you do?" Facilier added smirking. Merida tilted her head to the side giving him a dark look. Hans rolled his eyes as Gaston was still working out the previous statement.
"Adelaide and Proteus agreed to be friends and nothing more. They are both responsible adults... more or less." Jack Sparrow said simply flicking his coin from one hand to the next. Hans stared at the older male.
"Why was it arranged in the first place?"
Aurora piped up. "Why do you care Hans?"
Vanessa leant forward. 
"No one asked you Aurora, he has his reasons... I think?" She glanced at Anastasia who shrugged and Gaston finally clicked.
Everyone stopped for a moment and Gaston blinked, before he sat down again.
"I got nothing."
"You're an Idiot." Jack Frost laughed causing everyone at the table to begin to scream and yell at one another. Jack Sparrow leant over to Hook.
"If you had just let Coral be, without Gaston. None of this would have happened."
"Don't say another word Sparrow."
"Why? what are you going to do shoot me?"
Hook growled at the other pirate as he placed a hand on his pistol.
"I just might." Merida watched her mother stand there rubbing her temples. Merida knew what was coming, her Mother's infamous passive anger. Queen Elinor held her hands gracefully in front of her as she walked sedately through the hurling insults until she reached the top of the room and stood beside Mickey and Minnie, the students had watched her pass all falling silent at her calm presence.
"That is quite enough. I am deeply disappointed in all of you. You have all made complete fools of yourself and all of the un-necessary anger is not going to you anywhere I suggest we reconvene this meeting at another point in time once all of you have had some time calm down."
The students all looked at the floor before they begun to file out of the room leaving the teachers to discuss what had just happened.  
"Hey Hans we're heading out to the tavern you coming?" Gaston whispered in the prince's ear. Hans just shook his head.
"No I've got somewhere to be."
Gaston shrugged his shoulders.
"Suit yourself." Hans just waved him off as he left down the corridors. Everyone lost in their own thoughts nothing being resolved that meeting.

Winter here!
Hope you enjoyed!

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