Chapter 56

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Author's note: Next two chapters are here!

"Facilier explain to me why she didn't take Aurora?" Rothbart growled staring down at the female. Facilier stared hard at Coral who was repeatedly punching the tree in anger.
"I don't know...."
Rothbart hauled the unconscious princess onto his shoulder whilst the Snow replica carried the prince.
"Did the shadows not work?"
"No they worked alright, she's getting darker... But something is- stopping her from being dark."
"Adelaide maybe?"
The Snow Replica began to mumble words they stared at her
"ice." She moved Philip before heading out towards the lake. Coral let out a scream, Facilier and Rothbart stared at Coral who fell backwards unconscious.
"Coral!" A boy ran out to her and pressed his hand to the girls' forehead, they watched the darkness subside and her skin faded from grey to pale white.
"Jack Frost?" Facilier growled angrily Rothbart laughed before walking off with Aurora, he faded into the darkness leaving Facilier alone.
"Have fun with that."

Jack Frost lifted Coral up onto his back, and yelled out. Facilier stayed where he was and watched as Jack Sparrow ran out along with the other teachers. Facilier sighed and rubbed his neck staring up at the moon,
"She fell unconscious!" Jack Frost cried frantically.
"Okay bring her this way." Jack Sparrow ordered, students began to walk out into the open murmuring and whispering to one another. Jack Frost moved quickly ignoring the other students, Jack Sparrow stared around and spotted Mickey staring at the grounds. Anastasia appeared at the top of the stairs holding a crying Vanessa as they looked on at their friend.
"Mickey?" Jack Sparrow whispered.
"Jack look at this..." He pointed around and everyone noticed how torn and broken the grounds look. Minnie clutched Mickey's hand.
"Do you think..."
"Something happened here..." Mickey turned to stare at Coral's back as Jack Frost and Anastasia headed back into the medical unit. Jack Sparrow sighed and his attention landed on the villain teachers, Clayton shrugged at him before nodding at Frollo and walking away.
"Alright students it's time you go back to bed." He said gesturing to all the students out of bed to see the commotion. Jack Sparrow folded his arms as the Blue Fairy began ushering the students back into the school, his gaze landed on the three smiling princesses. Noticing they were being watched they moved their attention to Jack Sparrow before frowning at him and disappearing back into the school.
"How funny." Jack thought he turned around and stared at the prince's, they were scowling at the school and ignoring their princesses. "Why aren't..." his attention turned again many of the villains were not out; Gaston, Hans and Facilier were nowhere to be seen, Helga had not appeared like Vanessa and Anastasia. He bit his lip a strange feeling washing over him, Mickey and Minnie had begun to walk back into school. Adelaide had not been there either. He stared out at the gates and walked over to close the open gates. He stayed still as the wind picked up.
"Where are Aurora and Philip." He said quietly before heading back to the school and going to see his favourite student resubmitted to the medical unit.

Rothbart lowered Aurora onto the ground and wiped his forehead, before glancing over at Facilier and the young prince.
"We should stop taking them for now..." He said simply eyeing his partner. Facilier glanced up and nodded slowly his mind somewhere else.
"When Philip and Aurora wake up create the replica of both of them, Philip can start turning the students against Coral, she should then join us then..." Facilier responded before turning on his heels, "it's time they start blaming each other."
"Right." Rothbart agreed, a small groan caused them both to look down at Philip. He slowly regained consciousness and sat up.
"Aurora?!" He yelled as he stumbled to his feet, he turned around and spotted Rothbart, "you! Where is Coral and my princess?!" He demanded, Rothbart folded his arms and sighed dramatically.
"Only awake for less than a minute and you're more annoying than the princesses. It's alright you'll see her soon." Rothbart walked forward and clicked his fingers causing the mirror to pop up behind Philip. Philip stepped back and turned to the mirror, and in an instant the reflection turned into a dark being before stepping forward, Philip gasped and turned to Rothbart and a darker figure stepping out of the shadows.
"Facilier?" The real Philip asked shock registering on his face, Facilier gave him a dark look before raising his arm, his arm glowed purple and snakes slithered forward racing to Philip. Gasping Philip tried to escape however they wrapped around him tightly.
"I suggest you find a place to keep him. Replica Philip, go back to the school start giving them reason to think Coral did it."

The students had begun to make arrangements to the main hall of the school, students hustling and bustling both sides only engaging in conversations if absolutely necessary, the teachers supervised and the good teachers smiled watching the progress. Jack Frost stood with Flynn.
"So she collapsed?"
"Yeah, Jack Sparrow is with her." Jack explained, Flynn folded his arms, and watched the students, Ariel ran passed ignoring the students and heading straight for Eric and burying her face into his chest, and he stopped working and held her closely. Jack Frost sighed, and Flynn laughed.
"Better make her smile for a bit."
"Give her to Coral and Rock-Pool." Flynn said smirking, Jack rolled his eyes, Eric and Ariel headed out of the room with Flynn and Jack following. Hans sat outside staring at the ground they had found Coral last night, he sighed.
"You feel to blame?" Adelaide stood behind him and he nodded slowly.
"I should have been with her." He said as Adelaide walked forward and stopped beside him, he exhaled loudly.
"It was not your fault." He nodded, before heading towards the school.
"Come on we have a hall to make fancy." She nodded following him.

Coral groaned and woke up she rolled onto her side and stared at Jack Sparrow, he raised an eyebrow.
"You alright there missy?"
"I'm getting real sick of this hospital." She gave a small whine before sitting up and flinging her legs over the bed. She stood up shakily but still moved. Anastasia and Vanessa walked into the room and smiled.
"She's up!" Vanessa beamed, Anastasia ran forward and hugged her tightly.
"I'm so glad you're okay." They followed her out of the room and Jack Sparrow began signing the discharge papers.
"See you later!" He called, she waved back at him but followed the other two.

Helga sat outside and watched as Gaston moved towards the hall, she frowned. He had disappeared for a few days, and had not seen Coral at all. She got up and followed however stopped when she noticed Hans and Adelaide. She raised an eyebrow.
"What the hell?" She said to herself, before heading towards the hall.

Winter here!
Hope you enjoyed
I wish this was edited but here we are

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