Chapter 38

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Author's note: next chapter!

Sparrow, Hook, Minnie and Queen Elinor were sat in Mickey's office talking quietly, they had been summoned by the head on urgent matters. The urgent matter included many of the students and the strange occurrences.
"Why am I here?" Sparrow said staring down at his empty bottle, Hook snorted.
"Just what I wanted to know."
"You wanna go around?" Jack hissed at the other pirate, Elinor rolled her eyes.
"Gentlemen please, you know why you are both here you are close with Coral and Jack you are close with many of the students."
Hook moved away from the desk and slumped against the chair closest to Minnie,
"No one asked you Elinor."
Elinor was about to respond when the door opened and Mickey walked in heading straight to the window.
"How are my students?"
Minnie stood up with her notebook and pen.
"Jack went to classes as normal after Florian reported him to be feeling ill. Coral is still comatose and Adelaide has been keeping to herself."
Mickey placed his hands behind his back, Hook stared from one mouse to the other.
"There has also been rumors from some of the Princesses that Snow White and Cinderella have been acting differently." He added moving closer to Minnie. Elinor stood up.
"Many of the girls have begun to miss lessons in fear there is something after them."
Jack Sparrow placed the bottle beside his chair, his gaze flicking between those present. Mickey sighed sadly.
"All of this started taking place when Coral was attacked." He began Jack Sparrow and Hook cried out.
"You cannot be blaming Coral! She's been in critical condition for the last three days!"
"No that's not true, it began when Adelaide came to the school." Minnie said quietly "when the two girls met each other and tried to run away."
"My daughter didn't try to run away!"
"Oh get a grip Hook she's wanted to run away for years now." Jack said simply opening another bottle, Hook spun around and knocked it out of the other pirate's hand. Jack Sparrow gawked down at his bottle, and Minnie shook her head.
"Oh no you did not."
"I believe I did. Jack Sparrow you are a disgrace to the piracy business! Why did you ever come here?" Hoook said, Jack thought about that for a moment before pointing at Hook accusingly.
"Because of you."
"Ha! That's a good one, you-"
"Why did you adopt Coral. She isn't yours." Jack moved in front of Hook and eyed him "you haven't ever cared about her."
Minnie blinked in confusion and Elinor's jaw dropped.
"Coral isn't your daughter?"
Hook didn't utter a word and placed his good hand on his hip. Jack smirked and turned around his hands gesturing around as he talked.
"Oh Elinor, haven't you noticed how much Coral doesn't take after her father. The amount of times she's come to me to talk."
"She is mine!" Hook hissed out pulling out his sword he lashed out at Jack who whipped around pulling up his own sword, Minnie cried out in horror, Mickey clapped his hands together.
"Gosh y'all that's enough. Hook... we do not know who her parents are... all we know is Hook was with her at birth so yes she is his..."
Jack clenched his fist and lowered his sword as Hook gave Jack a victorious snarl.
"I'm sorry Jack, there is nothing to say she isn't Hook's, her mother didn't live..."
Jack held up his hand and headed towards the door.
"Enough. I don't want to hear any more about Hook or her mother." He slammed the door and the painting fell off the wall closest to the door. Elinor bit her lip before picking up her dress and running out after Jack Sparrow. Minnie and Mickey exchanged looks and Hook closed his eyes.
"Find out who did this to Coral." He walked out, leaving Minnie and Mickey to sigh in defeat.

"Captain Sparrow. Are you alright?" The Queen asked softly as she placed her hand on the male's shoulder.
"No not really Love." He said, Elinor sighed and turned the man around to face her.
"You may not be Coral's father..." She glanced around quickly making sure no one was close by. "But you are more of a father to her then Hook will ever be. You see the good in that child when no one else could. Aye she can be a wee menace but she has a heart of gold." Elinor muttered, Jack smiled fondly at the Scottish Queen.
"True she's just like her Mother in that respect always causing trouble." Jack Sparrow chuckled, Elinor raised a perfectly sculpted eyebrow and stared at the Pirate.
"You knew her mother?" She asked, Jack laughed.
"Oh yes she was a wonderful woman..." He stopped himself and looked at the Queen. "Thank you Elinor." He turned away from the Queen and began to head back to his room. Elinor stared after him confused.
"Strange man." she thought as she walked away in search of her own bed.

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