Chapter 42

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Author's note: enjoy!

They didn't know how much time had passed, but for Jack Frost it wasn't nearly enough as the door slammed back open.
"Coral!" Jack Sparrow stood at the door and Jack Frost pulled away quickly from the female in bandages, Jack blushed and hurried past Sparrow muttering a sorry. Once he had gone Jack Sparrow turned to Coral who gave him a -I did nothing- look. Jack Sparrow sighed as he came forward and sat beside her.
"How are you feeling?" He asked softly, she shrugged her shoulders and got herself comfortable once more.
"Been better... how's Snow?"
"Snow?" Jack Sparrow frowned, Coral nodded and shifted position however Jack leant forward and pushed her back into the bed, she rolled her eyes.
"Yes Snow was knocked out by shadows beforehand." She said with a hint of irritation, the door opened revealing two very unusual guests. Jack Sparrow put his legs up on her bed and brought his hat down over his eyes.
"Urm? Hi?" Coral said quietly, Anna and Elsa shuffled into the room looking uncomfortable.
"We heard the news you were awake." Anna explained.
"We thought it would be... I thought we should say hello." Elsa blushed and pushed her hair behind her ear. Anna shrugged at her sister, Coral pursed her lips together and held her hands up.
"It's okay, I get it. Thank you for stopping by." Coral gestured to her seats next to her "how has your week been?"
"It's been alright nothing special." Elsa said delicately folding her hands over her lap, Anna shook her head and giggled.
"Oh please Elsa! There's been sooo much! A cute guy came in to see Adelaide! They were arranged to be married!" She began to babble and Elsa mouthed sorry to Coral, who raised an eyebrow, but nodded along anyway Jack from behind his hat tried his hardest not to laugh. "Oh! There's also been talk of an end of year ball and its coming up to the end of October! It'll be Christmas soon!" A hand went over Anna's mouth and Elsa sighed.
"I am so sorry for my sister." She said, Coral shook her head and smiled a little "would you like anything Coral? Books, would you like me to collect your work for lessons?" She asked frowning at her younger sister, Coral blushed and scratched the back of her head in thought.
"Well.... I would like a book to keep me occupied... thanks Elsa... and it's okay Anna can talk as much as she likes... I've been out for a few days right?" Anna pushed Elsa's hand off her and smiled warmly at the pirate.
"There's one more thing! Jack's been missing you!" The three of them fell into silence, Anna bit her lip as Coral stared down, her cheeks turning red, Elsa scowled at her sister before placing her hand on top of Coral's.
"She didn't mean it in that way, Coral, he was often paired with you in class and he was the last person to see you. He was worried." She explained, Coral raised her head and closed her eyes smiling a little.
"Haha, thanks for that. But I'm alright really!" She said, trying to dismiss the thoughts of Jack just kissing her. Anna stretched her arms up over her head.
"What was it like in a coma?!" She asked Coral, Elsa gasped in horror.
"Anna!" Elsa stood up and dragged Anna with her before bowing to Coral who was looking a little dumbstruck. Anna struggled in her sister's grip. "I am so sorry for my sister. We should get going... I'll bring you a book later, goodbye Coral."
"Sorry Coral! Bye!" Anna called as she was dragged to the door, Coral just politely waved as the door closed behind them. Jack Sparrow lifted up his hat from off his face and smirked at Coral who was still staring at the door.
"She's always chipper isn't she?"
"I guess you could say that." Coral answered before laying back in the bed, she closed her eyes and draped her arm over her face. Jack waited for a moment before pressing his hand against her shoulder.
"Are you ok?"
"It was only darkness..."
Jack thought for a moment.
"You were saying something before Anna and Elsa came in." He asked trying to change the subject. She turned her head slowly and lowered her arm Jack watched her,
"Snow. Did you find her."
"Snow's fine... She's been in lessons all week. I only found you on the ground." Jack frowned as he watched Coral shake her head.
"No she was taken by shadows before that!" She yelled, Jack raised his hands trying to calm her down.
"I'll take care of it. Just take it easy ok mate." He said, sighing she looked away.
"Look Jack I'm sorry..." She groaned as she ran her hands down her face.
"You're sorry for what?" He placed a hand on her cheek.
"Being a jerk, going off on one... call it what you want but I was really horrible to you." She mumbled, Jack shook his head softly.
"You have no need to apologize Lass, you can be a stubborn mule at times, but you'll never push me away even if I have to go through the Kraken or Davey Jones' locker again." He mused, Coral laughed.
"You're an idiot."
"I say that's an attractive quality in man." He winked and he lifted his hat. She smiled a little and groaned in pain.
"Coral!" He said concern evident in his voice, she waved him off.
"I'm just tired... and it hurts a little." She was handed a drink of water and she took it gratefully. Once she had taken a gulp she gave it back to Jack Sparrow and lay back down under her covers.
"What's the time?"
"Almost three." She frowned and felt a cold towel draped across her forehead, Jack Sparrow smiled at her, she closed her eyes and sighed contently.
"So Elsa and Anna were here for a lot longer than I thought."
"I know I thought they would be the last people to sit with you!" He nudged her shoulder and she laughed.
"I know." She was about to drift off when there was knock at the door, it opened slowly and Hook was stood there. Jack Sparrow coughed causing the pirate to sit up.
"Dad!" She exclaimed, Hook currently glared at Jack Sparrow, she sighed "Ahem." Hook shook himself out of his thoughts and Jack Sparrow took away Coral's towel before making his way to the door.
"I have a meeting with Mickey... I'll catch you later Coral." He abandoned ship and ducked out the door as Hook walked towards Coral. She waited patiently for the abuse for being so reckless but it never came. A hook and an arm wrapped tightly around her bandaged back holding her tightly.
"I'm so relieved to see you're okay." He whispered, she stared over Hook's shoulder and she was dumbfounded, no sound came out of her mouth as she closed her eyes and slowly lifted her arms and placed them on Hook's back. Hook began to loosen his grip but Coral just grasped at the back of his red coat tighter.
"Sorry can we just stay like this for a while?" She asked, a huffed laugh escaped Hook's lips but he held her closer.
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt." A few minutes passed before Coral pulled away from her father. "Better?" He said, the girl nodded slowly. "It's like having my little Co- Captain again... You remember that?" He asked, Coral chuckled as she rested her head on the pillow and Hook slipped into the bedside seat.
"Yeah I remember... I also remember running amok and causing some serious troubles for the crew and Smee."
"What about the time you saw your first fairy." Hook crossed his legs and leant backwards. 
"Oh you mean Vidia. She was quite tall for a fairy."
"Yes and she really didn't like me."
Coral smiled brightly.
"She didn't like pirates in general... I'm not really sure why she liked me?"
"It must have been your natural charm."
Coral shrugged as she remembered the only friend she felt she had in Neverland.
"Do you remember those days I would disappear for hours then come back to the ship worn out?"
"Of course I do you gave me a heart attack every time I couldn't find you." Hook said.
"I was out flying with Vidia." Hook raised an eyebrow. "She taught me how to fly then we would spend hours racing each other." She glanced up at her father under her eyelashes waiting for the shouting but he just ran his hand through her hair.
"That's a relief."
"It is?" She asked confused.
"Considering I used to think you'd gotten into trouble and never told me if you spent the day flying with Vidia I think it was wonderful you found a friend... albeit a fairy."
Coral yawned loudly causing Hook to stand up quickly.
"I should leave you be."
"You don't have to." Hook shook his head and pulled the duvet cover up to give her some warmth.
"I'll get the doctor... and no more visits!" He said, Coral just sighed nodding she got herself comfy. 
"I'll be back tomorrow." And with that she was left alone.

She had only been asleep for a few minutes when the doctor came in and checked her pulse and pupils. She sat there silently and let him work, he gave a small smile before heading out.
"Wait!" He stopped by the door and turned around to her, she blushed a little and twiddled her fingers. He slowly shut the door and came back in, she bit her lip and stayed silent.
"What's wrong Coral? Are you not feeling well?"
"Where's Hans?" She asked quietly, the doctor sighed and walked towards Coral and sat beside her.
"We told him to go to his room, he didn't sleep last night as he was with you. Just for tonight we said he should sleep." The doctor explained, she sighed unhappily "Coral would you like me to stay till you fall asleep." He asked, she nodded very slowly, he smiled and patted her head. She lowered herself under her covers and closed her eyes, the doctor waited until he was sure she was asleep, before very quietly getting up and leaving the young girl to her sleep. The door clicked shut and Coral rolled over clutching her pillow tightly, she tossed and turned for a bit longer her eyes staying shut in a darkened dream like state. The door opened and closed, they crept along silently and climbed onto the bed, petting her hair softly. Coral slowly relaxed before curling up into a ball.
"Night Coral." Finally she was truly asleep.

Winter here!
Hope you have enjoyed!

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