Chapter Fifteen

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Minnie and Mickey sat in their office. Hook had just left and had made the two aware of the dangers that threatened the school.
"This isn't good... What do we do Mickey?" Minnie whispered softly, Mickey nodded and got up to stare out the window.
"We must not panic. We must tighten security and watch our students carefully. We will not let them get hurt for mistakes of the past." Mickey said sadly, his eyes watching Coral as she disappeared into the school. There was a knock on their door and Sparrow walked in, bowing slightly.
"Mickey, I've been to check around the school, there's a strange black essence around the fountain..." He muttered, Mickey and Minnie exchanged glances.
"Do you think that was Coral's power?" Minnie asked, Sparrow's shoulders shrugged.
"We need to keep an eye on her." Mickey said, Sparrow nodded.
"What about Adelaide? She was with her and Rothbart at the time?" Minnie said, Mickey nodded.
"We'll watch her too, but for now we must be calm, as to not alert our students to the dangers." Mickey ordered, Minnie and Sparrow nodded in agreement.
"I fear Coral meeting Adelaide and Jack Frost was a bad idea." Sparrow said bitterly, Minnie placed a hand on his.
"It could not be helped. Jack Sparrow please... you are the only one Coral trusts... she's always reliant on you guide her on the right path."
Jack nodded and headed out.
"I have to make it up to her..." He thought as he walked along and clenched his fists "Forgive me Regan."

Adelaide stormed along the corridors of Disney Academy ignoring every wave that was given to her as she was lost in her own world her hand scrunching the piece of paper in her grip before she threw it in the waste bin in the corridor. She growled under her breath as she marched down the corridor towards her art class.
"Hey Adie!"
She spun round on her heels and glared at the male, recognizing his voice instantly.
"What do you want Jack?"
The white-haired male stepped back slightly and raised his hands in defense.
"Whoa there grumpy... Why does everyone hate me right now?" He wondered thoughtfully, Adelaide rolled her eyes and folded her arms.
"I don't know maybe it's to do with the girl who's been clinging to you?"
Jack quirked an eyebrow.
"Jealous?" He said, a smirk played on his lips as he rested his chin on his staff. Adelaide scoffed at the ridiculous statement.
"Me? No, but Coral, I'm not too sure." She answered, Jack looked confused. "She saw you and that girl clinging to each other by the gates this morning." Adelaide said, her irritation building. The male groaned his hand rubbing down his face.
"She saw that?"
Adelaide nodded slightly.
"Yeah. You really need to make it up to her. She trusted you!" She almost shouted at him.
"How the hell do you know that? She isn't even your friend Adelaide and if I'm not mistaken in class you two almost started a fight." Jack muttered, Adelaide shook her head her frustration growing.
"That's what everyone else thought. That's not what happened. In fact, I don't get everyone's hate for Coral, she's nothing like Gaston or Helga or the others." She hissed, Jack felt his own anger rise at the mention of Gaston. "Trust me I know what she's going through... well maybe not with all the black magic." She let her hands fall by her side, "but I know this, I've seen the way you look at Coral and she looks at you the same." She shook her head stopping herself from babbling every small detail about Coral. The male was about to ask her what she meant but she shrugged and began to move away. Jack ran in front of her and caused her to stop again. "Yes? Do you still need me?"
"What's the matter?"
"I- N-Nothing the matter." She stuttered, Jack just looked at her.
"The truth if you please."
She sat down on the window seat and placed her head in her hands.
"I got a letter from Skye a few days ago and I only just read it today but..." She paused as Jack perched beside her. "It said that father was planning something and had refused to see any of my sisters and now the youngest is ill, and I just don't know why Father has secreted himself in his study and I really need to see my sisters but I..." Jack placed his hand over her mouth.
"Just breathe, princess, would you." Adelaide poked her tongue out from her lips and licked a wet stripe on his palm. Jack pulled his hand back in shock shaking it in front of him. "Ugh! So un-princess like." She stuck her tongue out at him.
"A little trick I learned from Esmeralda."
"She is, in no way, a good influence on you."
Adelaide laughed causing Jack to join in. It took a few moments for them to finally stop.
"Look I know it's hard, but just write them back and I'm sure Mickey and Minnie can get you time off or something?" He said before he bit his lip and Adelaide nodded relaxing a little more. "Look I want to introduce you to Tooth."
Adelaide raised an eyebrow.
"We're not dating, ok? She was one of the only people who helped me get to grips with being a guardian, you know?" He rubbed the back of his head nervously.
"I'd like to meet her properly." Adelaide said quickly as she realized the time. "Look I have to go unlike some people I don't have a free now. I'll see you later, bring her to our room tonight I'm sure Elsa and Kida would like to meet her too." She called behind her as she ran down the corridor.
"Adie look out!" Jack yelled as she ran into a hard chest and stumbled backwards, Jack flew forward and caught her by the shoulders, she began to look up.
"I am so sorry..." Her words trailed off as her eyes locked with the males, quickly finding herself Adelaide averted her eyes and shook Jack off. "Father." She curtsied quickly as Jack looked on in confusion.
"Running, pulling faces, that is not how a princess should behave Adelaide. I see you are still as incorrigible as ever. You do disappoint me."
Adelaide's breath hitched.
"Hey that's no way to talk to her!"
The King looked over the white-haired male and raised an eyebrow.
"I see you also need to keep better company."
Jack growled but Adelaide placed a hand on his arm.
"Just go Jack. Find Coral and explain what's going on with you and Tooth." She whispered, nodding his head, Jack glared at Adelaide's father before he created an ice path down the corridor and skated on down it. The princess laughed lightly but when she saw her Father's expression she stopped and stood rigid.
"Is there somewhere we can talk in private?" Her father growled.
"I need to inform Queen Elinor that I will not be in her lesson." But the look she got from her father meant there was no way out of this. "I- I suppose the head teachers would be able to help."
"You are stuttering Adelaide. You mother would be horrified."
Adelaide felt her heart crush under his words, she felt the warm tears in her eyes threating to spill down her cheeks, taking a deep breath she motioned in the direction of the head teacher's office.
"It's this way Father."

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