Chapter 52

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Author's note: Enjoy! However they are quite cute aren't they, Hans and Coral ;)

Hans sighed as he stared at the door to History, his head was pounding from his earlier lesson and he didn't want to deal with the unpredictable God of the underworld. Pulling his gloves on he pushed the wooden door open and strode into the class room.
"Good day Hans." Hades drawled out not bothering to look away from the board.
"Good day Hades." He returned as he slipped into his seat, his long legs stretching out from underneath the wooden desk.
"Since we all seem to be here we're going to carry on with Greek mythology. This topic will be your final assessment." The students began to whisper among themselves cutting Hades off mid flow. "BE QUIET!" He yelled exploding into flames effectively silencing everyone. "That's better." He smiled returning to his regular blue colour "as I was saying this will be the subject you must write about but... and here's the good part... I get to pick what your essay will focus on!" The students groaned bitterly as Hades began to wander round handing out papers on who or what they would be writing. "Adelaide."
The princess looked up from her book and took the paper from his hand.
"The affair of Aphrodite and Ares?" She asked, the male smiled darkly at her confused expression.
"I think it will be a wonderful... an eye opener." And with that he moved on. Hans held his hand out as Hades wafted past. "And for you Hans." The prince took the paper and looked over it.
"So you want me to write an essay about what happened to Zeus' lovers when Hera found out?"
"Yes I do."
"Seriously? Nothing about the Trojan war?"
"No nothing to do with the war..." Hades grumbled as he walked away. The lesson dragged on as the students sat scribbling notes down on the pages as Hades trailed between the desks checking over their notes.
"I see you have done nothing this lesson." Hades hissed staring at Han's paper.
"Nope it was no interest to me."
"Whatever if you wish to fail history by all means be my guest!"
Hans placed his pen on the desk and leant backwards in his seat stretching his back when he caught sight of Adelaide's silhouette in the corner of his eye. She was sat staring out the window when her eyes locked with his in her reflection, he noticed the tears rolling down her cheeks and sat up to face her properly when the buzzer rang signaling the end of the lesson, quickly Adelaide wiped her eyes and placed her books in her bag before fleeing from the room. Hans jumped up grabbing his history book in his hand and running after the Princess.
"Adelaide!" He yelled as he saw the girl disappearing down the corridor. Groaning he saw Facilier striding down the hall. "Oi Fal hold this for me." The history book was flung at his friend before he took off at full pelt.
"Adelaide will you just stop!" Reaching out he grabbed her wrist and pulled her to a halt.
"Lemme go you moron!" She struggled in his grasp as he pulled her around to face him.
"No not until you calm yourself down."
She stared at him the tears beginning to fall again.
"I won't until you let me go you, self-obsessed, cold hearted idiot."
Hans chuckled at the insult she threw at him.
"Darling you can call me whatever you want but I won't budge."
Adelaide stopped struggling her shoulders shaking.
"I hate you." She whispered, Hans smiled as he rubbed her back soothingly.
"I know." He said, when she had finally settled Hans stilled his hand. "So what's up princess?"
"It's just- I... do you remember that guy who saw me in my bedroom?"
Hans raised an eyebrow.
"I do."
"Well he saw me again in my art class and well he told me my mother... was... a monster!" Adelaide broke down in tears again her face buried in his chest, instinct took over Hans and his hands wrapped around her back pulling her closer.
"Shh, it's alright, I'll keep you safe."
Adelaide chuckled pulling her head up.
"I'll hold you to that." The two's eyes met and in that instant their lips connected.

Mother Gothel walked into the room and stared at the students, she scanned the room and glared at Rapunzel who sank down in her seat.
"Good morning class." She sat down on the desk and crossed her leg over the other, she glanced down at her nails. The door opened and Coral and Adelaide burst in, Adelaide gave Coral a look before blushing and heading into the room.
"Sorry I'm late." Adelaide began, she turned her attention to Coral who just raised an eyebrow and walked into the room.
"It's not my education you're wasting, it's yours. Take a seat princess. It's good to see you in class again Coral." Mother Gothel looked over at the brunette, who sat down in her seat and glared up at her teacher.
"Today's lesson we'll be continuing with our stories and rewriting them. For you Coral I-"
"I get it. Rewriting what we want to happen right?" Coral mumbled waving her hand absently, the class turned to her some laughing and some staring angrily at her for not letting the teacher talk. Coral rolled her eyes.
"Don't treat me like I need it spelt out for me." Her eyes travelled around the class until her gaze landed on Adelaide. They both stared at each other for a moment, Mother Gothel sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose.
"Alright Coral. Everyone continue with what you have been doing over the last few lessons. Coral I expect you to do extra outside of lesson so you can catch up."
Coral gave her a small nod before turning her attention to the red head still staring at her. Adelaide blushed and sat back in her chair when she realized Coral had clocked on to her, she sighed and turned back to her story willing herself to not think about Coral.
"Just what are you changing in your story huh?" Coral thought before looking down at her blank piece of paper.
"Peter Pan by J.M Barrie." She smiled as she leafed through the pages seeing how Peter wanted Wendy but ended up taking John and Michael along to Neverland as well. Hook was obviously a major point of the story but Coral wanted to change her story completely she didn't want to be the next Hook she wanted to be the first Coral. The pirate began to scribble notes on the paper. She would be the first female lost boy, and she would be their friends not their enemy and of course the fairies especially Vivida, the sharp tongue fast flyer and for once Coral was finally enjoying the lesson, unknown to her she was being watched intently by Mother Gothel.
Adelaide was scribbling in her notebook making a first draft of her story, but her mind was elsewhere, that small kiss she and Hans had shared had sent her mind aflutter, he was a jerk, he'd proven that many times before yet she was beginning to remember why she'd been attracted to him in the first place. Groaning under her breathe Adelaide buried her face into her hands hiding the red blushing cheeks.

Hans was stood outside the door to English waiting for the lesson to finish.
"Hey Hans!" Facilier called as he left the lesson.
"Hey Fal, do you have my history book?" Facilier smirked and threw the book back at him,
"So how did you manage to miss English?"
Hans laughed as he caught the book mid-air.
"Lucky you. You ready to go?"
Hans shook his head.
"No I'm waiting for someone."
The voodoo man just shrugged and walked off. Tapping his foot impatiently Hans leant against the wall until he saw the familiar princess.
"Adelaide do you have a moment?"
She froze. Esmeralda and Megara stopped in front of her effectively blocking her from him.
"It's alright I want to talk to him."
Megara turned to look at Adelaide, "well on your head be it sweetheart."
Smiling Adelaide slipped around her friends and towards the prince.
"Adelaide." He bowed stiffly before dragging her into an alcove.
"Well this is bound to get everyone talking." Adelaide hissed at him under her breath.
"Well unless you want me to announce to the whole school that some creepy guy has been bothering you in school then shut up and listen to what I have to say." The princess rolled her eyes.
"And there's the jerk I know!"
"I really believe that he could be dangerous Adelaide." She made a protest but he raised his hand silencing her. "Yes he hasn't done anything to you, yet which could harm you, but in all honestly Adelaide from what you've told me and the fact he threatened your family..." He took a breath trying to compose his words. "But I care about you okay."
"But- you're a vi-"
"I know that Adelaide." He snapped back at her, realizing his mistake he apologized.
"So what's going on here?" Coral asked as she watched the interaction between the two. Coughing the two pulled apart.
"Nothing." Hans muttered as he walked beside Coral, leaving Adelaide to watch them go.
"But you apologised."
"For something I said in history okay..."
Coral raised an eyebrow smiling knowingly.
"Oh shut up Reef!" He hit her shoulder lightly.
"What I didn't say anything." She laughed as she pushed him back.
"But you were thinking it."

Winter here!
See you next time!

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