Because I'm Bored

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A/N:  Help... My internal organs don't feel good...And now time for an easy Guess That AU!


I was tired. Chasing that phantom theif is too hard for me. I can't do it, but I seem to keep trying. 'I may not have the ability to catch him, though at least I'm the only detective still going after him.' I thought to myself as I swiftly went back into my house. As I stepped in through the door, I saw a letter on the floor. I decided to read it once I closed the door.  It read:

Dear Detective,
My next attack will happen to you. Nishishi! You better run for your life boy. You're life will be the next thing I'll steal.
-Yours Truly
P.S: Once you read this letter, I'll be waiting to kill you tonight.

'W-wait what?! I'm next? He's going to murder me tonight. I was shocked. A phantom theif is hard enough. Why be a murderer along with it?' I thought as suddenly, I heard an air vent open. It came from my room. 'He's here already.' I stayed away farly (wow that's a word?) from my room watching the TV. It was the news again. Great... More stories of the phantom theif and his adventures and when I'm going to catch him. Which will be never of course! My heart became full of worry as I turned off the TV. I stepped slowly till I reach the room. I quickly locked myself in my room. The air vent was... closed? Huh, I thought the sound came from here, but I was wrong. Or so I thought. I went under the sheets and turned off the lights. I stared at a wall trying to figure Or when I'm dead tonight. I was so into my thoughts, I didn't notice he's in the room with me. Once he took a step further to me, I quickly avoided him and went to the door. I tried to open it, but I remembered I locked myself in the room. With the phantom theif. Alone in a dark room. Where nobody can even see each other.

"Nishishi~ Where do you think you're going?" He said pinning me to the wall. It was awkward since I'm literally 15 centimeters taller than him, but even for someone as short as him, he's scary.

"Out of my room." I replied back to him. His face went closer to mine. 'So... When am I dead?'

"Hmm... I'm not letting one if my beloveds going anywhere! Cause I have you right where I want you." He said to me tying me to a chair I have in the room. 'At least the chair is one of my favorites.'

"H-hey let me go!" And... Gee what's worse than being tied to a chair everywhere and being locked in a room? Well if that room you are locked in with is a phantom theif that is going to most likely rape you, you're correct!

"Is my beloved Saihara-Chan jealous because he can't do anything? Well, no worries! I'll start killing you now."

At this point, I was afraid about what Ouma has to do next. He could possibly kill me, which is what I hope, or maybe... Maybe he'll rape me again. Like he did a few weeks back. I don't even understand why this phantom theif is real. He stole my first kiss, my innocence, my mind, and my virginity. And now it's going to be my life because I was so curious about the air vent!

"Fine... Then kill me. You already scared me, so just finish me off..." I said hoping he feels guilt.

"Huh? Oh you mean the letter I sent? I meant to use it as a caution that I want to have fun with you. I want you and keep you and you're only mine. Just mine! And I'm going to make me yours no matter what the cost is!" He said in a very dark tone.

DIRECTOR: (Enters) Ok this isn't suppose to happen! Now the cursed ink is spreading into stories?! How will I eliminate the ink now?!

"Hey you! Can you help me get away from this guy? If you don't, once I'm free from this I will rip out all of your skin and eat them like pancakes. " I... said that? Wow that was dark.

DIRECTOR: I can't! I'm a script based character and you're in a story right now. It wouldn't be worth it because I come from a different dimension. Also speaking of dimensions, we need you guys in our script dimension. Our world is in trouble and if we leave it for a long time with the cursed ink, everyone's world will be dark! So please help us!

"Fine we'll help..." Ouma said looking at the portal across from me. "After our little field trip, let's continue where we left off."

And so he untied me and held my wrist as we go off to this script dimension a director told us about. I wonder what will happen next...


A/N: I love this plot I have over the oneshots...


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