Dance Dance Oumalution

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A/N: MAGIC TRICK FOLKS! I TOTALLY DIDN'T DIE LIKE 2 MONTHS AGO OR SOMETHING... Err... Actually I thought I died. I decided to come back for a little while because my friends told me to create another book and I'm here forgetting about this book so now I'm creating another oneshot. With dancing.

School sucks alright. Especially the fact that youRE FAILING PRE AP ALGEBRA ALREADY



The doorbell rang as Shuichi was peacefully sleeping.

"Aw fuck it I'm breAKING THROUGH THE DOOR!" Kaede said as she slammed the box she was carrying through the weak door. "Wake up!"

Shuichi awoke quickly, "Oh my god, what year is it?"


"Wait what?"

"Minus 1000."

Shuichi sighed and sat up on the sofa. He looked at the box that Kaede dropped off.

Shuichi glanced back at Kaede, "What exactly is this?" he asked as he laid back on the soft pillows.

"It's this weird dancing set Miu made. She named it Dance Dance Oumalution or DDO for short. I wanted to try this out with you since it looked quite... interesting..." Kaede started to open the big box.

After an hour of getting the dance pad together and setting up the game, they were ready to start the game.

Shuichi was already on the dance pad choosing a song to dance to. The arrows were delicately shiny as it came from Miu. I wonder where did she get this shiny metal from anyways? The time limit to choose a song was running out so he chose YoiYoi Kokon by REOL. Welp... If he only knew what level it is but at this point, he's dead.

The song started with only a few notes. Kaede slowing walked out of the door, outside of Shuichi's house. She pulled out her phone and started calling Kokichi, "Alright. I finally set up that Dance Dance Revolution rip off you gave me. Shuichi is currently using it right now. Wanna see?"

"Huh? Really?! I'll be there right..." He hangs up.

Kaede shoves her phone back into her pocket and proceeds to walk away. That is, until Kokichi showed up from a bush. Apparently, he has been following Kaede and the set this whole time.

"Nishishi~ Show me!" Kokichi smiled as Kaede directs Kokichi to Shuichi's house. When then opened the door to go back in, Shuichi was halfway through the song, and pretty tired.

All the two can hear was the music.

踊れ騒げや 呑めや歌えや



雪駄はちゃらちゃら 愛し



Kokichi said in a soft voice, "Wa Chigau," after that last part played. Kaede went in and sat on the sofa, while Kokichi went into Shuichi's kitchen, raiding his food.

He took a seat on the kitchen table and saw that Shuichi was clearly failing at YoiYoi Kokon. Before Shuichi was even halfway through the 4 minute song, he sat back down on the couch.

"Kaede, why is that song so hard?" He said, barely catching a breath.

"Well there's the fact that you are doing a level 19 song is one. The other is that Saihara-Chan completely sucks at that." Kokichi said, catching Shuichi's attention.

"Wha... Kokichi how did you even get into my house...?" Shuichi said still surprised at the fact that the one he loves is even in this house.

"I let him in. While you were playing the game, Kokichi decided to show up." Kaede shifted on the couch. "Well I'm gonna go now. See ya!" She stood up and walked out the door.

Kokichi went close to Shuichi, hugging him.

"Saihara-Chan you really do suck at that don't you?" Kokichi smirked at him.

Shuichi sighed. "What do you want Kokichi?"

"To dance with you is nice."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2018 ⏰

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