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I'm not back from the dead yet. Infact, I'm probably still dead... And I updated the Book Cover and made this cause I was bored...

Btw I find it extremely weird that my first ever oneshot has the most votes so far.

A/N: My sister gave me this idea as she read the Karoake Night oneshot. Featuring Komaeda, Hinata, Shirogane, Amami, and Akamatsu! And me as a host...

"May god save the world."

-Angie Yonaga.

I'm kidding I actually don't know if she said that before but most likely I guess...

"Hello there citizens of planet Earth! Welcome to Danganronpa's Got Talent! Well I mean they're Ultimates so what do you expect? Each one of them have talent. Except for me, your host, Cherry, the Ultimate Nothing! Mainly because the best thing I could do is nothing... Anyways we have a lot of contestants. Like alot... So let's get this stated with our judges, Saihara Shuichi, the Ultimate Detective, Akamatsu Kaede, the Ultimate Pianist, and Hinata Hajime, currently searching for his talent! Please give them a round of applause!" Cherry said happily with enthusiasm.


"Hey Akamatsu-san. It's nice to meet you Hinata-kun." Saihara said as he sits down on his chair.

"It's nice to meet you as well." Hinata responded.

All of the judges sat down on there seats.

"Alright coffee mugs and cardboard boxes! It's time for-"

"Hey what about me?!" Shirogane interrupted.

"Don't interupt me!" Cherry yelled back slamming the table. "And this is the co-host, Shirogane Tsumugi, the Ultimate Cosplayer. There happy?"


"And now it's time for, Danganronpa's Got Talent!"

~Time Skip~

Quote of March: Where did I put those suicide pills again?

~And now back to your daily program~

"Up next, we have The Three Lovers..." Cherry stared at the team name.

"Wait that's a team name?" Shirogane held the paper showing the team names. "Huh I guess that is a team name."

The Three Lovers entered the stage. Now now it's obvious to whom those three are.

"Oh god..." Hinata cursed once he sees who's on the stage.

"Oh god indeed..." Saihara shortly replied.

"God why..." Akamatsu said while all judges stared at the team.

"Hey! Don't use God's name in vain!" Yonaga shouted stealing Cherry's mic.

"Oh so there's where the microphone went..." Cherry got the microphone back.

"What are you guys doing here?!" All of the three judges shouted.

"Wait let us introduced ourselves first please?" Amami asked.

"I'm Komaeda Nagito."

"I'm Amami Rantaro."

"I'm Ouma Kokichi. Hi Shuichi!"

"K-Kokichi you aren't helping me..." Saihara blushed.

"Nagito, h-how did you..." Hinata became confused! He hit himself in confusion.

(I wonder what reference that is)

"Wait Rantaro, you know these two?" Akamatsu squinted her eyes a little.

Oumasai Random-Whatever-Comes-To-Mind Oneshots (And Stories) [A YEET]Where stories live. Discover now