I Would Like To File A Complaint

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A/N: WOAH M8 1K VIEWS... I didn't even think I could have that many views to be honest... Eh might as well have a celebration or something....



Headcannon: Whatever Ouma throws at Saihara, he'll throw it back at it.

Best Headcannon that I'm never going to do: Kaito is a huge fan of MLP.

Thanks @Melodica_Lover

P.S: If you're reading this, I hope you get over the depression.

~Cherry Web

"I would like to file a complaint. My complaint is that you are too ugly for life.

Just kidding."


Ouma. Ouma, Ouma, Ouma.
He would always file stupid complaints about our detective policy. If he really hates us, why does he still come over? I don't know to be honest and I run this place! And I'm a detective for god's sake... Though, maybe it's because he still like hanging out with me like in that killing game simulator. Oh don't get me started on that simulator...

"Saihara-Channnn!" I heard Ouma enter through the front doors. Wait... Is he wearing those clothes from the simulator? Ow I bit my tongue...

"O-Ouma! W-what brings you h-here?" I said stuttering most of the time. Don't stutter now Saihara. You've known him since 2 years ago in that killing game. So why now?!

"Eh? My beloved Saihara-Chan still stutters around me? I guess I really did steal your heart!" Ouma said happily. I felt a finger brushing me in my right arm.

~Lololol Flashback~

"I stole you heart so now I'm satisfied. I don't need to take your life anymore~"

~Lololol Present~

I guess he really did steal my heart. His smile is adorable, everytime he laughs is cute, I just want to hold his hand and... Wait why am I thinking about these things?

"Hmm? Is my beloved thinking about me? Or is it someone else?" He said in a darker tone.

"W-why are you wearing the clothes from the killing game?" I asked to change the topic.

"I think they look cute on me. Don't you agree?" He said cheerfully.

"Y-yeah..." Okay backtrack a little bit. Why did I agree?! Oh Atua knows what's next for me...

"W-wait w-what?" Huh? Since when does Ouma stutter? I guess this is my chance to get back at him.

"Who's stuttering now Ouma?" I said with a smirk.

"H-hey! I'm not cute..."

"You are to me Ouma-kun. Or should I say Ouma-Chan?"

He moved a little farther away from me. "O-Ouma-Chan?! Why Chan? That's my thing." He said shyly.

"If you stole my heart I gotta steal something back, right?" I said with confidence.

"I would like to file a complaint, you keep flirting with me." Ouma said playfully punching my arm. It was a soft touch but why does his hand feel really soft on my arm? What is this feeling in my chest that becomes so warm?

"Hm? Another complaint? I thought you loved me Ouma-Chan..." I put up some puppy eyes to Ouma.

His face looked like he was panicking about the situation. "U-umm... I do?" he replied back with a confused face.

It took a while for me to realize how close I am to Ouma. It's alot actually... We remained silent for 10 minutes till Ouma-ku- I mean Ouma-Chan, for now, till he broke the awkward silence.

"So... Are you free this Saturday at 8?" Ouma started off.

"Yeah..." Saihara replied.

"Wanna come to my place?"



A/N: My reason for not making 1K word oneshots: Robeats, Reading Other Oumasai Oneshots, Pranking my friends that my cousin is forever gone.


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