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Now since I've completely ran out of random idea oneshots, I made this story... About oranges.... HOLY SH*T I SHOULD MAKE A ONE SHOT OUT OF THIS


I was sitting in the basement, tied up to a chair with no light except for a light bulb as my light source. They kept me down here for ransom and I was their captive. Everyday, they would be down here bringing me oranges. They did this from the very start. They kept feeding me oranges. I told them, "I don't want anymore," but they'd shove the orange down my throat everytime I said so. I started crying, wishing the freedom of eating whatever I want instead of oranges. When will they stop feeding me oranges? As days pass by, the oranges kept coming and coming. I begged and pleaded for my sake of any food other than the juicy, orange fruit. They replied back, "We only have oranges." I cried emotionally telling myself that I'm going to die eating oranges. It's going to be ok I said, it's going to be ok."

~Your stomach.

Word Count: That whole speech was 153 words.


Oumasai Random-Whatever-Comes-To-Mind Oneshots (And Stories) [A YEET]Where stories live. Discover now