Coming Out

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—Jonah's POV—

Ok, ok, ok. What to wear? What to wear?

"Why am I so nervous?" I exclaimed loudly.

My dad walked in my room.

"Are you okay?" He asked. He went and sat on my bed.

"Yes. No. I don't know." I sighed in defeat.

"What's going on?" He looked at me curiously.

"I'm going on a date and I don't know what to wear and I'm really nervous."

"Oh with Andi?" I laughed which confused him even more.

"No Andi and I broke up because she— something happened with one of our other friends and I stood up for them." I said.

"Oh ok. Well, whoever your going on a date with is going to love you."

"Thanks dad." I hugged him for a second. "Okay get out I have to change."

"But I thought you didn't know what to wear?" He laughed when I pushed him out.

"Ok ok, I'm going."

I shut my door behind him. I sighed and went over to my dresser.

I got out some ripped black skinny jeans and a sweatshirt a little to big for me.

I brushed and combed my hair and walked downstairs.

"So who are you going on a date with Jonah?" Mom asked as I walked into the kitchen.

I looked towards dad.

"Dad! You told her?" I asked.

"Yes he told me. Why? Do you not want me to embarrass you?" My mom teased.


"I won't. Who are you meeting?" She asked again.

"Um—I—his name is Marty." I said quietly. They looked at me for a second.

"What?" My dad asked.

"I'm gay and I'm going to meet a guy named Marty." I said. "I met him yesterday at the movies."

Before I knew what was happening, I was wrapped in a hug. It was my dad.

"I'm proud of you for telling us." He said.

"Thanks dad." I hugged him back.

"Okay. Go have fun on your date." He said.

I walked out the door and walked towards The Spoon.


I walked into The Spoon and saw the devil. Andi.

"Why are you here?" Andi asked while walking over to me.

"I'm on a date." I said rudely.

"What? Who would love a boy like you?" She spat.

I had to admit that what she said hurt a little bit. Or a lot.

I felt a hand slip into mine.

"I would." Marty said. He intertwined our fingers.

"Andi I think you need to leave." Amber said as she walked over to us. She smiled and me and Marty. "You guys can sit wherever you want. I'll be with you in just a second."

"Thanks amber." I said. We went and sat at a booth. "Thank you Marty."

"Don't worry about it. She's a bitch." He said.

"Yeah She is. I just didn't realize it until now." I looked down at my hands. What she said was replaying in my mind.

Marty moved over to my side of the booth and took my hand.

"Hey, don't listen to what she said. Your amazing. Plenty of people love you. I mean, who wouldn't." He said. I smiled shyly at him.

"Thanks." I said quietly.

"Your welcome. Do your parents know your gay?" He asked.

"They do now. They found out right before I left." I said.

"How did they take it?" He asked.

"Good. At least I think they did. They seemed like it." I said. "Do your parents know?"

"No. I wanted to tell them but I'm scared." I squeezed his hand reassuringly.

"I'll be there with you whenever you are ready if you want." I said.


"Your welcome."

We sat there for the next hour or two talking and learning a lot each other.


—Cyrus's POV—

I was sitting on my bed when I heard a knock at my window. I got up and went to look.

Maybe it was Buffy. I opened it but I didn't see anyone. Then a head popped up.

"Tj! What are you doing here?" I asked. I pulled him through the window.

"I wanted to see you. I missed you." He hugged me. I hugged him back.

"I missed you too." We went over and sat on my bed.

He leaned over and kissed me softly then pulled me close to him and we fell back on my bed.

"Tj what are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm cuddling my beautiful boyfriend. Is that okay?" He asked.

"Yes it is. It's great." I leaned up and kissed him.

But we must have fallen asleep because two hours later I woke up to my mom coming in my room.

"Cyrus— Who is this?" My mom asked gesturing towards Tj. I nudged him awake.

"Tj this is my mom. Mom this is Tj, my boyfriend." I said. Tj got up and shook her hand.

"Hi Ms, Goodman, I'm Tj." He said.

"Hi Tj, I'm Cyrus's mom. And please call me Diane." She said.

"Your not mad?" I ask.

"Cyrus, sweetie, I'm a therapist. Why would I be mad? I still love you." I got up and hugged her.

"Thank you. I love you too." I said.

"But that does beg the question. How did Tj get in here? Because he didn't come through the front door."

"He came up and knocked on my window. Then I let him in." I said.

"Okay. I'll leave you two alone just no funny business." She said. Me and TJ's cheeks flushed with red.

"Mom!" I said. I shut the door behind her. I walked over to Tj and hugged him. "I'm sorry about her."

"Don't be. She was really cool about you having a boyfriend." He said.


"Yes muffin."

"Are you gay or are you using me?" I asked.

"I'm gay and I love you. I would never use you." He wrapped me in a tight hug and I nuzzled my head into his shoulder.

"I love you too."

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