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—Cyrus's POV—

I woke up snuggled up to Tj. After our date, we came back to our house and did some extracurricular activities.

I looked down at the ring on my hand. It's beautiful. Its only a gold band but I loved it.

Tj opened his eyes slowly and smiled at me.

"There's my beautiful boyfriend." He leaned over and kissed me. "How did you sleep?"

"Amazingly. How about you?" He kissed the tip of my nose and I giggled.

"I slept amazingly."

"Boys! Breakfast!" Mom called up the stairs. "Hurry! You don't want to be late for school."

We sighed and got out of bed. We got changed and went downstairs.

Mom set our plates in front of us and we sat down at the counter. Tj winced as he sat down.

"Tj, honey are you okay?" Mom asked. I refrained the best I could from laughing.

"Yeah I am. I fell off the bed last night and it must have left a bruise." He looked over at me. I winked at him.

"Oh. Are you sure it wasn't something else?" Mom asked smirking.

"Okay mom, we need to go." I said quickly. I grabbed TJ's hand and pulled him out the door.


As we sat down in class, Tj looked over at me.

"Does it always hurt this much?" He whispered.

"You get used to it. I did. We could switch out if you ever want to do it again." I said. It's obvious what we're talking about so we had to whisper.

"Yeah let's switch out. It felt different but in a good way. Or in like an amazing way." Tj said. I chuckled.

Just then Buffy, Andi, and Amber walked over.

"What was amazing?" Buffy asked as they all sat down.

"I said it was amazing that Tj fell off the bed." I said smirking. I looked over at Tj.

"Yeah. Now I can't sit down without hurting." He glared at me. Buffy seemed to catch on.

"Wait but I remember y'all making that same excuse when Cyrus couldn't sit down without hurting." Everyone shared a look of realization. "Oh my god. I didn't need to know any of this."

"Wait, I thought Cyrus bottomed?" Andi said quietly.

"He does. But I decided to try it once." Tj said.

"And that's what you said was different but in an amazing way." Amber said. Cyrus and I nodded.

"Ew! I didn't need those images in my head!" Buffy exclaimed.

"Your the one that asked." I said laughing.

All three of them shared a look of discomfort.

"Let's get off the subject of my sex life please." Tj said.

"Gladly." Buffy said. "Andi How are you and Walker?"

"We're good. I don't want to talk about our sex life though." She said quickly.

We all laughed. Tj shifted in his seat and winced.

"Get used to it." I leaned over and whispered in his ear. He turned and glared at me.

"Shut up. I never made fun of you." He pouted.

"Oh I'm sorry." I kissed him lightly.

"I'm just joking." He leaned over and kissed me again. He leaned over to my ear. "You sure do know how to make someone feel good though."

I got red as a tomato.

"I did learn from the best." I whispered back. Tj kissed me on the cheek and then class began.


My ass hurt. And when I say it hurts, I mean it HURTS. Especially after sitting down the entire class period.

We were all on our way to lunch. We had all been very awkward around each other since the talk about my sex life.

We got our lunches and went to sit at our usual table. I hesitated before I sat down and hoped no one noticed.

"Are you guys okay?" Walker asked as he came over.

"Yeah we're fine. They're just being awkward about our conversation this morning." Cyrus said. Everyone looked at him.

"Conversation?" Walker asked.

"They started asking about mine and TJ's sex life and why Tj bottomed." Cyrus stated.

"Cyrus!" I exclaimed. Walker busted out laughing.

"Wait you bottom?" He asked me while laughing.

"I did it once!" I exclaimed. "Yes it might've felt good and yes I'll probably do it again but let's get off this subject. Please!"

Walker continued laughing. I glared at him then smiled.

"Walker, how is yours and Andi's sex life?" I asked flatly.

Walker shut up and stared at me.

"Exactly." Walker stuck his tongue out at me. I just smiled at him.

For the rest of lunch, we got over the awkwardness and started laughing and telling jokes.


—Cyrus's POV—

We all parted ways after lunch. Sadly in high school we barely have any classes together.

I was walking down the hall along with everyone else when I slam into a locker.

"Hey faggot." Chandler, a senior who always picks on me, said. "Wanna suck my cock?"

"Who would want to suck your dick? It's a tic tac." I said as I stood back up.

"What the fuck did you say to me bitch?" He pushed me against the lockers hard enough to wind me.

"I said that your dick is a tic tac."

He balled his fist up and brought it in contact with my gut.

"You want to say that again?" He asked me. Everyone else walking by either laughed or payed no attention to us.

"You dick is a tic tac Or maybe it's smaller. My that's why your getting your panties in a twist, because you know I'm right." I said confidently. I did it now.

He was red in the face. He swung his fist and it came in contact with my face. I am fairly sure I heard my jaw break.

He brought his fist back then punched me again then pushed me to the ground.

His foot came in contact with stomach as he kicked me over and over again. He didn't stop till he saw I was coughing up blood.

He leaned down and got in my face.

"That's what you get for thinking you can trash talk me, faggot." He spit in my face and then walked off as he laughed.

All of the teachers saw him beating the shit out of me. They all just stood there staring at me until the bell rang.

Then they went back in their classes while I was still in the hall coughing up blood.

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