I Promise

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—Cyrus's POV—

"Tj? Tj!" I exclaimed. "Call 911!"

Buffy immediately got out her phone while Amber and Andi went to get my mom.

"Your going to be okay. It's okay Tj." I said. He's going to be fine.

Tears were streaming down my cheeks.

"Please be okay." I was crying harder.

Buffy was off the phone now.

"The ambulance will be here in just a minute." She said. She came over and sat down beside me and hugged me. "He's going to be okay."

The paramedics got to the house a few minutes later. They rushed into the room and got Tj on a stretcher and took him to the ambulance.

We all rushed out behind them. One of the paramedics came up to us.

"I'm sorry but only one person can ride with him to the hospital." She said. Everyone looked at me.

"I'll ride with him." I said. There were still tears rolling down my cheeks.

We got into the ambulance and started to drive towards the hospital.


"Tj please wake up. Please." I pleaded quietly. I was sitting in the back of an ambulance holding TJ's hand.

"Everything's going to be alright." The paramedic sitting beside me said. She placed her hand on mine and squeezed reassuringly.

I smiled weakly at her. Buffy, Amber, and Andi were riding with my mom.

We finally got to the hospital. They rushed Tj inside and I ran with them.

"He's lost a lot of blood so we're going to have to do a blood transfusion but he is going to be fine. I promise." The paramedic said.

I promise. The words that gave me so much false hope. I hate those words.

I followed them to TJ's room. I sat down in a chair off to the side as the did the transfusion.

My mom, Andi, Buffy, and Amber came in a few minutes later. They all came and sat next to me.

After they were done with it, the doctor came in.

"Did anyone know that he had depression?" He asked.

"No sir." I said.

"What is your relation to Tj?" The Doctor asked.

"I'm his boyfriend. These are our best friends and this is my mom." I said gesturing to all of them.

"I see. Where are his parents?" I got mad at just the mention of them.

"They kicked him out because he was gay. He's living with my mom and I now." I said.

"Okay." He walked over to Tj. He took a look at his arms but then looked at his head.

"I don't think he cut himself on the head." I said.

"It's not that. There's a big bump on his head. Has anything happened?"

"When he called my name, I rushed into the room and saw him laying on the floor. He could have hit his head." I said. The doctors face changed to concern.

"We are going to need to run some tests on him." He said. "If he hit his head before he became unconscious, it could have bad effects."

"What kind of bad effects?" I asked. I stood up from my chair and walked over to Tj.

"Well, if he had a concussion and then fell unconscious there is a possibility that he could be in a coma." The Doctor said. He saw my panicked facial expression. "But that's very unlikely."

I calmed down a little but just barely. They wheeled Tj out and took him to perform tests.


"He's not in a coma. He can't be. He's going to be fine." I said over and over again.

"TJ's going to be fine Cyrus." My mom said. Even though she said that, I could still see her worry.

"Why don't we go get some coffee?" Buffy suggested. We all agreed and walked from the room.

We went to the elevator and went down to the lobby. We ordered our coffee and went back upstairs.

As we got to our room we saw Tj was back. The doctor was sitting in a chair next to the bed.

He stood up as he saw us.

"We ran the tests and the results have come back." He said.

"And? What's the results?" I asked quickly. The doctors face fell.

"I'm very very sorry. Your boyfriend, Tj, is in a coma." He said. "We're not sure when or if he'll wake up."

I fell to the ground and broke down crying. Tj. My Tj.

Tj is in a coma.

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