Wedding Crasher

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—TJ's POV—


Everyone turned around and looked at the door.

"I can't miss my little brothers wedding."

I looked at Cyrus with tears in my eyes while he looked at me with confusion.

"I'm sorry for interrupting. I'll sit down."

He sat down in the back as I turned back to Cyrus.

"I'm sorry for crying." I said quietly as I wiped my eyes.

Cyrus laughed softly.

"Don't be sorry. I'm crying too." He said. He turned to the priest. "We're ready now."

"I now pronounce you husband and husband. You may now kiss the groom."

Cyrus and I smiled again and our lips touched softly. Everyone cheered and stood up clapping.

Cyrus intertwined our fingers and smiled at me. He looked at the man in the back and turned back to me.

"Go talk to him. You can explain later. Meet you at the reception?" He asked.

I leaned down and kiss him gently.

"Of course. Cyrus, I'm sorry." I said softly looking at him, feeling ashamed.

"Don't be sorry at all. But, you better be there for our first dance."

"Of course Baby. Thank you so much." I said.

"Your welcome. Now go. He's waiting."

I smiled at Cyrus then ran down the aisle and jumped into my brothers arms and sobbed into his shoulder as he held me tightly.

—Cyrus's POV—

I watched as my now Husband ran down the aisle and jumped into his brothers arms.

I didn't know he had a brother. I'm not upset or mad or anything like that. I'm just surprised. We've shared everything with each other.

I looked at Buffy and Andi and motioned them to follow me. Everyone else had already gone outside so we went outside and let Tj and his brother have however much time they need.

—TJ's POV—

I sobbed into my brothers shoulder as everyone walked out.

"I've m-missed you—I've missed you so m-much Jake." I sobbed into his shoulder.

I heard him let out a quiet sob.

"I've missed you too T."

"Where have you been? I haven't seen you since before 7th grade." I asked.

"T I've been trying to find a reason to come back. I disappointed all of you when I left. I didn't think any of you would want me back."

"Are you crazy? All I've wanted is for you to come back. I haven't talked to mom and dad since seventh grade." I said. We still hadn't let go of each other.

"What do you mean? How have you not talked to them?"

"I haven't lived at home for years." I said quietly. Jake looked like he was about to scream.

"What the hell Tj? Where have you lived? Oh my god I should've been there for you." He said.

"Jake I'm fine. I've been living with Cyrus. That's why I left. I've been dating Cyrus for almost six years. But when mom and dad found out—."

I was cut off by a sob. I didn't realize how much I missed my former home. Living with Cyrus has been great but I miss my home.

I broke down sobbing again and collapsed into jakes arms.

"Hey I'm here now Buddy. I'm sorry mom and dad were pricks. But I'm here now buddy. And I'm never leaving you."

"J-Jake I'm so happy your here. You have no idea how happy I am." I said through sobs.

"Yeah I do. I'm so happy I'm back. Now don't you have a husband and a dance to get to?"


As I walked in the door to the reception, everyone turned and cheered as we walked in.

Cyrus smiled and came up to us. I leaned down and kissed him softly.

"Cy, I want to introduce you to someone. This is my older brother Jake." I said.

"Jake this is my boyfrie—husband Cyrus."

"It's great to meet you. I never knew Tj had a brother." Cyrus said. They both looked over at me. "Why haven't I heard of him?"

"Jake left when I was 11. He—. Is it okay if I tell him?" I looked over at Jake.

"Oh yeah of course."

"When I was 11, Jake got into an argument with our dad. Our dad hit Jake and Jake left. I haven't heard from him in years." I said.

"I was so scared that Tj would be disappointed in me because I left so I never called or anything." Jake said.

"But none of that matters because your back now." I said. "And on the most important day in my life."

I smiled and kissed Cyrus. Cyrus wrapped an arm around my waist.

"I'm so happy for you guys. I'm really happy Tj found someone he loves and someone who loves him." Jake said.

We heard music starting to play over the stereo. I intertwined mine and Cyrus's fingers.

"Shall we dance?"

"We shall."

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