Best Friends

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—Cyrus's POV—

I didn't try to stand up. I just moved my back against the lockers and sat up against them.

It hurt to move. Chandler has never done anything like that to me before. What made him start now?

I leaned my head back against the lockers and closed my eyes. I had massive pain in my stomach which was understandable considering I just got fucking kicked multiple times.

I kept my eyes closed for a few minutes until I heard someone walking towards me.

"Cyrus?" The footsteps stopped in front of me and I felt the person kneel down. "Cyrus are you okay?"

I opened my eyes. It was Tyler. We sounded panicked.

"Yeah. It was just Chandler. I'm fine." Tyler looked pissed off. I coughed into my hand and when I brought my hand away, there was blood on it.

"I'm going to beat his ass." His eyes widened as he looked down at my hand. "Oh my god. Cyrus I'm getting you to the nurse."

"I can't go to the nurse. Whenever I go up for medicine for a bruise or any other injury that comes from being bullied, she tells me that it's my fault I'm getting bullied because I'm gay and then sends me back to class."

"Then I'm taking you to the hospital." Tyler said. I looked up at him.

"I'm fine." I coughed into my hand again.

"Yeah it sure looks like it. Come on. I'm taking you. Can you stand up?" Tyler asked me as he stood up.

I propped my self against the lockers and stood up but the pain in my stomach sent me back down to the floor.

"I'm sorry." I said quietly.

"You don't need to be sorry." Tyler wrapped his arms around me and picked me up. "Don't worry. I'll carry you."

"Tyler you don't have to. I can just stay in the hall." I said as we started walking towards the exit.

"Bullshit. Your coughing up blood. Your my best friend and my other best friends boyfriend. I'm not letting anything happen to you." He replied. I smiled up at him.

"Thanks Tyler."

"Don't mention it Cy." He said smiling at me. He took me to his car and set me down in the front seat.

He walked around the car and got in. He looked over at me concerned.

"Are you okay? Did me carrying you hurt you?" I smiled because of how much he cared.

"I'm fine Ty. Really."

"I'm going to have a hard time believing you now. You told me you were fine and then coughed up blood." I rolled my eyes at him.

He laughed then started the car and drive to the hospital.


When we got to the hospital, Tyler got a wheelchair and brought it to my door.

"You didn't want to carry me?" I playfully pouted. He laughed.

"Nope. Your too heavy." He gave me a goofy smile and helped me into the wheelchair.

I stuck my tongue out at him and he laughed as he pushed me into the ER.

"What seems to be the problem?" The nurse asked as we went up to the desk.

"I got beat up at school and now I'm coughing up blood." I said.

"We're you kicked anywhere?"

"Yeah. I got kicked quite a few times in my stomach." I said. I winced. There was still a dull pain in my stomach.

"Okay. Are you still in pain now?" The nurse asked as she wrote everything down on a piece of paper.

"It's a dull pain but yes." Tyler put his hand on my shoulder and smiled at me.

"Okay. Have a seat over there and the doctor will be out shortly."

"Thank you." Tyler pushed me over to a row of chairs then sat in the one next to me.

"I should probably tell Tj your here so he doesn't freak." Tyler said.

"We both know he's going to freak when he hears that I'm here anyway."

"That is true." Tyler said laughing. Then his phone went off. "Hello?"


Why didn't you come get me out of class?

Because he needed to be taken then.

You still could've texted me Tyler!

I was worried about Cyrus! He was coughing up blood!

I grabbed the phone from him.

Don't get mad at Tyler. The only reason he brought me here was because I refused to go to the nurse.

Okay okay. I'm coming up there.

Tj just go home. I'm fine. If I need you I'll call you Okay. Tyler is with me so I'll be safe. I love you.

Okay. I love you too. I'll see you in a little bit muffin.

I'll see you then.

I hung up the phone and handed it back to Tyler.

"Your a life saver Cy. I'm pretty sure he's going to beat my ass for not telling him though." Tyler said chuckling.

"Don't worry. I won't let him." Tyler looked at me like he wanted to say something. "Ty? Are you okay?"

"Um, yeah I'm good. Could I ask you a question?"

"Well yeah. Of course." I said.

"And you won't tell anyone?"

"I promise I won't." I held out my pinkie. He giggled a little and locked out pinkies together. "What do you want to ask me?"

"How did you know you liked someone m?" Tyler asked. I was shocked by the question but I still answered.

"Well. You get really nervous when your around them. Your palms sweat. You find yourself thinking of them before you go to sleep at night. You find yourself wanting to be the one they love." I said. Tyler nodded.

"If I tell you this, do you promise not to tell anyone else?"

"I promise." Tyler held out his pinkie and I licked mine around it.

"I like Marty."


You guys didn't think I would leave Marty out of this story did you?

Don't worry. Jonah will be back soon too.


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