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—Cyrus's POV—

"Wake up." The little boy next to me whined. "Daddy please."

"Gabe, What is it?" I asked sleepily. I turned over and looked at Gabe.

"I'm hungry. Charlie is too." He said. I kissed his forehead.

"Okay come on. Let's go fix some breakfast for you and your sister." I said. I leaned over and kissed TJ's forehead.

I took Gabe's hand and we walked into the kitchen. Charlie was sitting at the counter.

"What do my two beautiful children want for breakfast?" I asked smiling at them.

"We want pancakes!" They exclaimed. I chuckled.

"With whip cream?"

"Yes!" The screamed.

"Shh." I said laughing. "You don't want to wake daddy."

I put on an apron and started making the pancakes. Gabe and Charlie were staring intently at the pan.

"So, it's y'alls birthday today. Are you two excited?" I asked. "They nodded happily. "What do you two want to do today?"

Gabe and Charlie looked at each other.

"Can we go to the park?" Charlie asked. Gabe nodded at that question.

"Of course we can. Your Aunt Buffy and Aunt Amber are coming over later too. So is Aunt Andi." I said.

"Yay!" They both exclaimed.

I put their pancakes on their plates and put the syrup in front of them. Tj shuffled into the kitchen rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning my little muffins." He said. He kissed Gabe and Charlie on the top of their heads. He came over to me and kissed me. "Good morning my chocolate chip muffin."

"Good morning my beautiful husband." I said. I hugged him and kissed him softly. "Would you like some pancakes?"

"With whip cream?" He asked.

"Of course." I laughed.

I gave him a plate of pancakes and put some whip cream on top. I got some on my finger and wiped it on his face.

"Oops. That wasn't supposed to go there. It was supposed to go here." I got more whip cream and wiped it on his other cheek. "There."

"No you missed a spot." Gabe got some and put a little on TJ's nose. "There."

"And there." Charlie put some on TJ's chin.

Tj wiped off the whip cream laughing.

"Do you know what happens now?" He asked.

Gabe and Charlie looked at him confused.

"This!" He exclaimed. He scooped up Gabe and Charlie in his arms and started tickling them.

"Daddy no!" Charlie screamed while laughing.

"Daddy stop!" Gabe exclaimed through laughs.

I doubled over laughing.

"Okay, let them eat. We're going to the park after they get done." I said. Tj set them down and they ran to their seats laughing.

"We can only go to the park if you two can tell me how old you are." Tj said.

"Were five years old." Gabe said confidently. Charlie nodded in agreement.

"You two are growing up too fast. Your only three years old." Tj said. He went over and hugged them both. "I love you both so much."

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